The Encounter

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Rythian's P.O.V.
Martyn and I had made a deal with one another when we were both sent into this realm, that we would never talk, or say we knew each other so people would not become suspicious that we new each other. This made me worry when Martyn wondered up to me before the meeting.

'We need to talk...' Martyn mumbled to me Toby trailing behind him, looking bored.
'I gathered,' I replied turning back towards Zoey, 'Zoey, why don't you go with Toby, Martyn an I need to talk.'
'Oh, okay. That sounds like fun.' Zoey replied smiling at Toby, grabbing his arm and then dragging him away grinning.
'I'm guessing it's important if you've come to me about something? At a meeting no less.' I questioned, turning to look at the Twilight Prince.
'Yeah, you could say that but I'm surprised you haven't noticed it. But it might not be what I think it is.' He rambled, glancing at me in a concerned fashion.
'What do you think it is Martyn, you look spooked. And you don't get spooked easily, we both know that.' I replied, mirroring his expression.

Across the main area everyone was milling about like they usually do before these meetings, catching up and messing around. Oddly, off in the distance I could see Lewis with a girl. Someone I'd never seen here before but Martyn had pointed out. He claimed that she had a magical signature, which wasn't unusual. I mean Zoey, Toby, Martyn and I had magical abilities, HatFilms have been cursed and Duncan and Kim have become infected with a Magical essence. But Martyn was right, she has a familiar magical signature but was new, so what on earth was going on. Lewis had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and they looked to be in deep conversation about something, probably the base.
When Ridge called for everyone to head in, Martyn and I hung back, and so did she. Great, let's get this confrontation over with then.

Ilanna's P.O.V.
This is going to dangerous, me left outside alone with Rythian and Martyn. Strange who nobody noticed that we hadn't walked in to join them. The pair of them looked very confused, did they not recognise me?
'We wanted to welcome you to the realm. You're new and like us so it only seemed fair that we welcome you.' Rythian stated, smiling at me slightly, still looking nervous. 'I'm Rythian and this is Minecraftia, welcome.'
I smiled at him, 'Thanks, I'm Ilanna. And we have met before but you probably don't remember me or don't want to.'
'We do? I'm Martyn by the way, but I guess you already knew that. What realm do we know you from then?' He questioned looking even more confused then he had previously.
'Um, you know me from Ruxomar. And I am so sorry about what happened. I didn't know my father would react the way he did, you have to believe me.'
'Wait, Ruxomar?!? How the nether do you know about Ruxomar, we never met anyone called Ilanna over there, so who are you? And why did you bring up that name?' Rythian questioned his eyes glowing Purple 'Nobody here knows about that place and us. So how do you?'
'I know who both of you are, and you titles. You are Rythian Enderborn, Prince of the End and Martyn Littlewood, Prince of the Twilight. You can both sense my magic, you know where it comes from and you know why I'm here. Figure it out yourselves.' I growled getting angry, my eyes probably glowing Purple too.
As I stormed away from the pair of them all I could here behind me was a startled gasp from Martyn and a mumbled 'Alva.' from him.

I was busted, but I didn't care. I was happier here them I ever was back in Ruxomar and neither of them could take that way from me. As I reached the main gate to the Hole Diggers base, a flash of Purple Ender Magic flew past my head, a yell came from Martyn as it hit the side of the building sending a shockwave through it and causing a series of startled yells to start from inside.
Ridge poked his head out, glared at me and then yelled 'RYTHIAN, MARTYN GET IN HERE NOW! And you Miss. Branwell go and sit with the Hat Twats...I won't ask you again.'

As I sat down with Trott, Ross and Smith all they could do was question if I was okay.
'You're really pale.' Ross pointed out, receiving glares from both Trott and I.
'You look like your going to throw up!' Smith mentioned loudly getting a glance off of Lewis, who also seemed very concerned.
'Are you sure everything's okay?' Trott asked, he was always the most patient with me.
'I'm fine honestly, stop worrying and focus.' I grumbled staring at the floor.

But I was feeling sick, Rythian was sat behind me and I was very worried about what he was going to do in the rest of this gods forsaken meeting.

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