The Headset

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((A/N: Thought I'd write a bit, seeing as I'm on a coach to London...))
Back to le Hat Films!
Ila P.O.V
'Trott?' I asked quietly, 'when Ross brought me down and you guys brought me in here, did you put my headset somewhere? It's kinda important...' I trailed off, glancing at him.
'Ummm, I think Smith put it somewhere. Is it from your original world?'
I nodded, glad that he wasn't pressing further into it.
'You wait here, I'll go get it off Smith and don't worry, nothing in here can kill you.' Trott stated, grinning at me as I blushed, before disappearing back through the door we'd just walked through.

Glancing around me, all I could see was machines and chests. I wondered over to them and peered inside the closest one, opening it so I could quickly close it when Trott came back. It was full of many diamonds! The next one along had some wood planks in. I went back to the first chest and pulled out some iron and continued to go look in he others in search of Ender Pearls. Heading toward the crafting bench I was jn a mission. I need to make a new C.H.A.T battery...
((I can't remember what was in each chest and I can't check...))
Trott's P.O.V.
When I went back into the side room, Ross and Smith were finishing a convosation, and glanced up at me when I entered.
'Everything alright mate?' Ross asked me, glancing nervously at the door incase Ila was following me. ((Same convo they were having at the end of the last chapter, you miss nothing! Jeez guys chill!!))
'Don't worry she's in the other room.' I replied.
Ross and Smith both visibly relaxed, glancing at each other before looking at me.
'Anyway...Ila was wondering if you'd seen her headset, it's from her original world, so she kinda wants it back...' I trailed off glancing at Smith, who smiled and started heading for the door.
'Yeah mate, I put it in the silo for safe keeping, I'll go grab it.' He slipped out the door, closing it behind him.
'Well...shall we go see what Ila's doing?' Ross asked, also standing and walking towards the door.
I nodded and followed him out.

Smiths P.O.V.
I headed for the lift to get down to the silo, passing Ila who was kneeling next to a crafting bench and working I something. Best to leave her alone, I thought as I pushed the button to go down to the Silo floor.
Entering the open space, I wondered over to the door glancing at the TWAT sign as I flipped the leaver to open it.
Truthfully I'd been trying to fix what I could for her, she'd landed on it when she spawned and most of the wiring had come undone.
I have limited knowledge but some stuff was obvious and I had a feeling that Ila's had to fix this before. Grabbing the headset and the small Purple box, it headed back out and closed the door back up behind me.

Ila's P.O.V
((Sorry for all the POV changes...they're needed!))
I was sat by the crafting table humming a song to myself as Smith walked in and headed for the lift, hopefully to get my headset. I glanced back down at the power core for the chat box I was making, it seemed the same as the probably broken one in the chat box at the minuet, but I was hoping that in this world I would be able to talk to the others, they couldn't be that far away now.

I've been in so many worlds, met so many people, most of which had tried to help me without directly killing me. But then there were others where the people lived in the sky, or had magic like my adoptive brothers and were to busy building in the sky or flying to notice I was there, so I normally died my mobs the first night...

It only made me feel worse in worlds like that, unable to join them as my powers hadn't been reinstated, and I hated the powerless feeling and the pitying glances they'd give me. All I wanted to do was go home.

I was so caught up in thinking, that I didn't notice that I'd completed the core or that Trott and Ross had joined me or that Smith was gently placing the headset and CHAT box down on the crafting table next to the core.
I glanced up at them smiling, I'd met many people in my time but none like these guys.
'Thanks Smith.' I mumbled keeping my head down and wiping away the tears that were threatening to spill.
'It's okay, and I tried to fix them up the best I could but the wiring made no sense to me and I didn't wanna break it any more...' Smith tried to explain, words jumbling together but I cut him off by picking it up and smiling at him.
'Thanks for fixing the set, I'll do the wiring and the CHAT box wouldn't have worked. It needs a new core so...' I picked up the CHAT box, pulling off the cap and removing the core, placing it to one side before adding in the new one and switching the power on.
'That is so cool!' Trott exclaimed, sitting next to me as I typed in my password as the holographic screen turned from static into it's normal blue light.
'Where'd you even get that from? I've never seen tech like that before!' Ross also joined us on the floor as Smith slid down the wall, shaking his head but smiling at us.
'I got it from my original world, where everything started. My adoptive brothers made them for everyone!' I stated happily.
Ross shook his head in disbelief 'Where they Wizards or something?'
'That is what they called us, the Wizards of Mianite.'
'Thats what the world was called? Mianite?'
I nodded, 'And I think I might be able to get in contact with them from here.'

~Hey! Plot Twist!!!
And if you didn't know what Mianite is then MY GOD! I'm addicted...and behind still but go watch them, both series if you can. But there are a lot of episodes... SHIANIGANS ARE OCCURRING!

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