Fix Me

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Hey everyone hope you enjoy!! Leave comments for an update!!!:))

Chapter 1:

It was getting late and I could feel the buzz of alcohol invading my blood stream. I continued dancing as my eyes searched for my friend El. She had left me alone in the crowd of bodies to go to the ladies room. I was fighting off drunken guys grabbing at me and began to push through the crowd to the bar. I was inches away from the bar when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to the crowd. With one harsh motion he turned me to face him and I crashed into his chest. His hands remained around my waist as my own were pressed against his chest, trying to free myself from the strong stranger.

"No, no, no love you don't want to fight back." he growled in my ear with a scratchy British accent.

Before I knew it he was nibbling at my neck and placing kisses along my jawline. He moved his mouth up my face until his lips crashed against my own. I pushed with all I had but he only gripped me tighter and decreased the space between us. His tongue ran along my bottom lip but I denied its entrance into my mouth.

"It will be easier if you stop fighting." He snapped at me.

Finally I caught a glimpse of his face. His jawline looked like it was sculpted; blue eyes glowed in the flashing lights and perfect lips that moved with every word he said. He was perfection but obviously had social issues. He began to pull my dress off my shoulder and kissed my collarbone. I stood frozen unable to free myself from his presence. Our lips crashed together this time his tongue slipped passed the barrier of my lips. He buried his face in my neck, kissing me below my ear. He grabbed my phone from my pocket, typed in his number and returned it to its original place.

"I love a challenge." He growled in my ear sending chills down my back.

Before I had even realized my eyes had closed they flew open. He was gone. I looked through the crowd but he was nowhere to be found. Out of the corner of my eye I saw El coming back from the bathroom. I was out of breath and couldn't make my feet move. El grabbed my hand and pulled me through the bodies and out the door.

"Are you okay Kar?" she asked looking at me with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine just feeling the buzz that's all." I said as we started to walk home.

Eleanor and I had lived together since we had turned 18 and moved out of our parents' homes. She was my best friend and had held that title since we were three. I was still shaken up about what had happened before we left the club but I didn't know what to make of it. This total stranger had grabbed me from the crowd, taken my phone to exchange numbers, kissed me and I didn't even know his name or who he was. I decided to put it out of my mind for the night and hope he didn't text or call me. I needed to clear my mind and sleep off the poison in my veins.

El and I parted ways in the hallway and we resided to our respective rooms. She told me she had work early in the morning so we probably wouldn't cross paths until the evening. I stripped off my clothes and changed into an old t-shirt and pajama shorts. I returned from brushing my teeth to find a text message from an unknown number. My hands began to shake and my breath escaped my lungs as I read the words on the screen.

"Love the pajamas. I'm taking out tomorrow night. Pick you up at 7. Xx Louis."

I ran over to my bedroom window and looked out to an empty street. How did he know where I lived? Like hell he was taking me out on a date. Not after the stunt he pulled at the club and especially not after he had stalked me. I pulled the curtains closed, put my phone on my bedside table and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and tried to drift off but I had an uneasy feeling about the guy I had hastily met just an hour ago. My phone buzzed against the glass sending a chill of fear through my body. I reached for the phone and read the message from Louis.

"What no goodnight? I told you I loved a challenge and I never back down from what I want. Xx Louis."

I just put my phone back on the table, rolled over and forced my eyes shut. I wanted to sleep away what was happening right now and just deal with it in the morning. Louis was a problem I didn't want to handle half way sober.

Fix Me || l.t.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن