Chapter Six

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Finally after what seemed like forever it came to a end. I walked to my english class, at least I tried. I ended up getting lost like six times and ran into way to many couples making out. When I reached the class the bell rang meaning I had just made it in time. I took the only seat available which was in the front next to people that I didn't even know the name of.

The teacher wth her mulitple personalities was annoying as ever and we ended up sitting there listening to her talk to herself about how she needed a more interesting sex life. Disturbing, let me tell ya. I introduced myself to the kids around me only to find that they were nerds that figured their smarts made them better then everyone else. Psh, figures. I rolled my eyes and listened to my Ipod all class.

About half way through the boring hour an office aid walked in. Ash gave the papers he was holding to the teacher and was walking out the door when I caught his eye. His eyes softened from his usual hard glance as he looked at me. I found him sharing at my lips as his eyes blinked back tears. Eventually he shook his head and hurried out without another glance. Sigh, I really need to find out what is up with him!

I spent the rest of the period thinking about Ash... I just wanted to know what was going on? What happened to him... And why was he reminded of it everytime he looked at me?! I decided I would ask Snow what was going on. She had been friends with him for a long time maybe she knew what was going on.

When the class period ended I went to the lunchroom searching for Snow. After a while my eyes found her sitting with her twin. They looked as if they were in deep conversation. I walked up to them slowly, wondering what they were talking about so intensly. Rain's eyes flickered to me as I got closer and I heard her shush her twin. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked casually, trying to get past the awkward staring.

"I was just telling my twin how me and Ash have hot animal sex every night!" Rain growled at me and I suddenly lost my appetite. I pushed the food in front of me to the other side of the table and shook my head sickly. Rain smirked at me and kissed Snow on the cheek. "I wil talk to you later twin, I'm not done." With that she walked off in her skirt two sizes too small, swinging her hips like she had an ass to shake.

"No offense Snow, but I hate your sister with a roaring passion. Has she always been such a slut?"

Snow laughed a little, "I guess, I don't know. She's been a worse person since she started hanging out with Sky. Plus she's pretty stressed out about school, she's trying to graduate a year early so she's getting pushed to her max. Not to mention Ash..." She trailed off and looked down.

"Why Ash? I figured they were doing oh so amazing because of their fucking hot animal sex."

"She said that to make you uncomfortable. Ash is... I probably shouldn't be telling you this.."

"No it's okay, I'm not gonna say anything to anyone. Who would I ever tell? Everyone hates me here." She shrugged and nodded in agreement. "Hey!" I hit her arm lightly across the table.

"Truth hurts. Anyways..." She took a deep breath before she continued. "Ash used to have this girl in his life... She was really pretty, very natural like. She kinda looked like you actually. Her name was Ivy, like you she was a new girl a few years ago. We welcomed her into our group because of her name even though she didn't really fit in. She loved vintage clothing and earthy tones. Obviously thats not something you find here very often. Well from the start we could all see that Ash liked her and when he finally asked her out, well she said yes. They dated for a year and a half. They talked about getting married and having a family..." Snow looked away, pausing.

"What happened to her?"

"One day she didn't come to school. She didn't come the next day either. After about three days, we were all terrified. Ash had gone to her house and no one was home so we told ourselves it was a last minute vacation. After a week, Ivy showed up again. Ash ran to her and asked where she had been and her reply broke his hearts as well as ours. She explained to him how her parents had gone out of town a few weeks ago so she had some friends over from her other school. One of these was a guy names Jonathan, even after her parents returned he didn't leave... The reason she was gone for days was she was away getting pregnancy tests." She paused again swallowing tears. "She had cheated on Ash with Jonathan, and she was having his baby. Ash was so upset he became depressed... To make a long story short the stupid ass whore ran off with the douche and honestly none of us care enough to know where they ended up."

I was speechless as Snow wiped away a few tears. "So that's the story. After he had become depressed Rain really helped him see the light in the world, which is why they're together now. The only problem is Ash is ever since then Ash really hasn't been the same and we can all see he's using her for sex... I tried telling this to Rain but she doesn't believe me. Until now... He's starting to slip back into depression and none of us know why." The bell rang and Snow sighed loudly. "I'll see you later."

As I walked to class I found myself replaying Ash's story in my head. Does what happened to him have anything to do with why he treats me like he does? Lost in thought I didn't realize the person in front of me stopped. I ran into them giving myself wiplash as I stumbled into the lockers in the hall. Ash turned around pissed off, "Bitch watch where you're going!" He shouted in my face and I found myself walking away angrily.

Why the hell does he treat me like this?! I didnt do anything to him, ever since I got to this god forsaken school he'd been at my throat! I stopped in front of my locker because I had about two minutes left before the bell rang. Ugh I did not want to go to fucking sex ed. I punched the locker out of frustration groaning to myself. I went to hit the locker again but I felt my hand being caught. The mystery person spun me around so I was facing him. I glared at Ash, feeling my rage running through me. "What do you want!"

Ash growled and pinned my hands against the locker on the side of my head. Suddenly he kissed me... My body was shocked, but my mind was even more surprised as I kissed him back deepening our kiss. Ash pulled away leaving me breathing heavy. He looked at me angry. "Stupid fucking temptress! Stay out of my head!" He slammed his hands on the locker on both sides of my head, scaring me.

I watched him walk away. The bell rang and I reached up and touched my lips. What the fuck just happened?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 27, 2012 ⏰

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This is highschool? (Caution Much Mature Content)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ