Chapter 4

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The last class of the day. Finally. But it was sex ed. I growled in annoyance. Sky looked over at me, "Everything alright?" I nodded and smiled at him. He stopped ad talked to some of his friends. I stood there awkwardly, then decided I had been to this class twice today I can find it a thrid time. 

Eventually I found my way to Sex Ed. I sat on the floor alone waiting for class to start. A tall boy with blonde hair came in next and looked at me strange. He came over and sat next to me. "Hi my names Alex, what's yours?"

"Brooke." I held out my hand so he could shake it, which he did. I watched as he examined me and I did the same. He was well built. His blonde hair was flipped out from under his hat. I had to admit he was pretty damn sexy. His lips held a smirk when I looked back up at his face. He must have liked what he saw.

We sat there talking for a while. I found out his favorite color was purple, his favorite food was fried chicken, his favorite movie was Rush Hour, and his favorite band/song was Eyes Set To Kill but his favorite song was Stay Close, Don't Go. Alex was a pretty interesting kid. He was funny, and cute.

The bell rang and the rest of the class piled in. Sky joined me and looked at Alex in disgust. What was that all about? I shrugged it off, waiting for our slut of a teacher to enter.

After about ten mintues of sitting there we all began to get bored. Some guy that was in the last class had the nerve to stand up, take off his shirt, and say, "Look at me, who am I? I'm a girl with no curves and an ugly body." His friends laughed but Sky didn't think it was so funny.

"As I remember it you wanted to fuck her. So I would shut up you..." I silenced Sky with a wave of my hand.

"I'll take care of this." I whispered as I stood up and walked to the kid. "Hi, what's your name?" I bent down showly my clevage.

"Uhh, I'm uh, my name is, uh well uhh..."

"Dylan." Alex said coming up behind me.

"Well Dylan, you know very well my body is the sexist thing you've ever seen. You're getting a boner by just looking at my body." I traced circles around my boobs, smirking at him. "Isn't that right Dylan?" He managed to nod, not taking his eyes off my breasts. "Well Dylan..." I began to move my hand towards his dick but came up with my other hand and caught him in the mouth with my fist. "Don't fuck with me buddy."

I turned and was about to walk away when an arm grabbed me. "Wait a minute you skinny bitch!!!" I sighed, did this kid not learn.

"Obviously my first warning wasn't enough so I guess I have to teach you a lesson." I punched him as hard as I could in the face. He stumbled back holding his face. He put his hands down, revealing a bleeding nose. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. The class ended without us ever seeing Miss Smith.

I expected to get in trouble but it didn't happen. The principle came to the room and saw Dylan's bloody face. I explained what had happened and surprisingly he understood and just left the room. I guess they don't believe in detention here.

I was walking out to the parking lot. My phone buzzed with a message from my mother. Honey you're gonna have to walk home me and your father are still working. I rolled my eyes. Figures. I began walking toward the direction of my house. After walking a bit I got the feeling I was being followed. I didn't want to be obvious that it was making me uncomfortable so I dropped my pen and bent to pick it up. The guy continued to walk around me.

I glanced at him from behind and didn't recongize him. "Hey! What's your name?!" I yelled to the guy making him turn to face me. He looked emo so he must have been from my school. He glared at me, like I had insulted him. "Well?" I asked.

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