Chapter 3

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Sky soon caught up to me and led me back to sex ed. I was dreading going back into this class. "Oh hey, look, we have this class with Ash." Ash looked up from his seat on the floor and was about to wave but then he saw me. Sky took no notice to the pained expression on Ash's face from seeing me.

What did I do? I couldn't seem to remember doing anything to make Ash upset with me. I shrugged it off and sat beside Ash and Sky. Miss Smith walked in. Did she change out fits during lunch? I looked at the outfit she was wearing. Yeah she changed all right. She now looked like a walking Victoria Secret manikin. I saw Ash nuge some of his other friends pointing to her ass. I glared at him, wasn't he supposed to be dating Rain? And yeah I barely know them but it doesn't seem right that he should be checking out our teachers ass when he is all smoochy with Rain.

The late bell rang and I looked reluctantly at Miss Smith. She smiled and shook her boobs out of the skanky top a little bit. I resisted the urge to gag. I looked over at Sky who was rolling his eyes. "Now class, during this portion of the class today we will be discussing the different type of protection, and the best to use."

Really? This is what we are talking about? I watched as she walked to her desk and pulled out condums. I decided the bet thing to do was to tune her out. She held up different packages and explained how well they worked.Yeah you would know huh? I zoned out after the fourth package and was staring at the wall. I felt eyes on me so I looked around to find Ash glaring at me.

I raised my eyebrow and gave him a "what the hell did I do?!" look. He mouthed bitch to me and went back to gawking at Miss Smith. I shook my head in surprise. I had been here for one day. He was fine with me this morning when we first met. I didn't do anything. Hell I had only been here a day! I couldn't have done anything, even if I tried.

He's just jealous that you're so hot. I laughed at my thoughts. I played with my blonde hair with my fingers.  I was thinking about putting some black highlights in it. I think it'd look pretty good. But I dont know I've always had natural blonde hair and I've never wanted to mess it up with dying it. Plus I'd tried to die the tips a few times, not only did it fade it was a really ugly color in a matter of days. My hair just couldn't hold tihngs.

I sighed looking around the room. I never noticed how disgusting this room was. It had pictures of naked men and women all over the walls. Also it had sex digrams, like really? Is it that hard to figure out how to have sex? There was different positions around the room, rated for pleasure. I gaged a little bit and went back to staring at the floor,

"Uh you!" I looked up to see Miss Smith pointing to me. I looked around... "Yes you, blondey, I need you for an exersize." I looked to Sky for help but he just shrugged signaling he couldn't do anything to help me.

Reluctantly I stood up from my spot and walked to her. I looked at the class. "Okay class we're going to do something. Uh what's your name?"


"Well, Brooke, I need you to wave to the class." I didn't know what the purpose of this was but I turned and waved to everyone. "Now class now that you all know Brooke. Brooke I need you to take off your shirt."

"EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?" I shreiked at her, not believing what I was hearing.

"Take off your shirt, and your undershirt too please." I shook my head. "Brooke you will be send to the office and suspended if you don't take off your shirt." I looked at her like she was crazy, she shurgged. "Fine, Brooke please go to the office, I will call down and inform the principle of our newest students terrible behavior." I didn't really believe her but I wasn't about to call her bluff.

I growled with angry but pulled my shirt over my head. She looked at me expectantly, because I was still in my undershirt. I frowned but pulled that off too. It's just like being in your bathing suit, I thought to myself. The class went scilent for a while, then one of the boys let out a low whistle. I glanced down at my exposed body. I didn't think I had a nice body. I mean I was barely a B cup and I had tiny curves. The only upside was my stomach was nicely defined. 

She smiled nodding her approval. "Now, class with a raise of hands how many of you would screw this girl?" I looked at her in shock. WTF!!! All of the boys raised their hands except Ash and Sky. "Now, Sky, would you mind telling me why you wouldn't?"

"Well Miss Smith, I wouldn't screw her. I would make love to her no doubt, but she is much too beautiful to screw." I blushed slightly at the fact that he thought I was beautiful.

"Uh huh, I see. And you Ash, why wouldn't you fuck this would lady?"

Ash smirked, "I don't see what's so good about her? I mean she had no boobs, her eyes are the ugliest color I have ever seen, her hair looks fake, she has no curves what so ever." I felt shameful as he continued. "She had wide sholders and boney hips, she's really ugly, plus who likes a girl with abs?! That's just plain wrong."

I felt like crying. I grabbed my shirt off the ground and threw it back on, taking a seat next to Sky. The bell rang and I ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my tear stained face. I was ugly... He was right. Of course he was right. He was the only one in the room being truthful. I whiped my tears away and took a deep breath. 

Sky was waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom. "Are you okay? Ash is just cruel don't pay attention to anything he says." I shrugged.

"It doesn't bother me. I'm not one to break because of a stupid boy." I smiled at him. "We should get to class."

He led me to our next class and it went as normally as anything in this school could. It was an advanced math class. I didn't really learn anything. I was even more advanced then this but they didnt offer gifted classes here. We sat there learning math then all of a sudden some fucking moron yells out, how does sex relate to math. I mean why does everything in this damn school have to relate to fucking sex?!

The class went on how different sex positions relate to different math problems. I rolled my eyes and went back to the paper on my desk. It was the middle of the school year, this whole sex thing was getting old fast.

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