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That night I was demented by nightmares worse than I'd ever endured before.

I was struggling on the ground, panting and sweating madly, reaching for my wand.

Goyle advanced on me, towering closer and closer until I could smell his foul breath beating against my face.

Then I was curled up in a ball, alone. I recognised the dank, dripping stones in the dungeon of Malfoy Manor. Splayed on the cold floor, weak with hunger. Draco stood by, watching everything with his silent, dark eyes. Lucius laughed menacingly.

Then I was at The Astronomy Tower, falling, falling, falling, the air shrieked past my ears, I flew towards the ground, until...thump.

I was screaming and screaming, the ground fluctuated around me, my head spinning disorientatingly as Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Neville and Ron lay dead before me. Their bodies were arched and rigid, their faces sunken with terror and all I could do was scream.

I ran. Fred lay limp by my feet. I stumbled past Lavender Brown, her lifless body floppy, Fenrir Greyback at her neck, her blood dripping down his chin and painting his face red. 

One of the Carrows was chasing me, yelling abuse, flinging green sparks at me. I narrowly dodged an Avada Kedavra, felt it whizz past my shoulder.

Bellatrix Lestrange appeared before me; eyes mad, hair wild, she grabs my arm and pulls me close as she whispers abuse in my ear and digs her nails into my arm... as I scream for help she laughs cruelly, taking out her wand to press against my forehead, and after moments that feel as long as a hundred infinite lifetimes I hear my heart thumping wildly, breaking through the ribs in my chest, I scream, squeezing my eyes shut, and everything turns black.

Sanity ~ A Luna Lovegood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now