The Finished Battle

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The Battle of Hogwarts was over. Voldemort was dead. Harry Potter had succeeded!

I saw Harry over at the far end of the hall. He was hugging and crying and laughing and smiling with Hermione and Ron. Then Ginny went to them and Ron hugged her, but she shrugged him off, and she went straight to Harry. They held each other in a tight embrace and then they were both crying and...

"Hey," Neville sat down beside me unexpectedly.

"Hi," I said back. He had a nasty slash down the side of his head. "Oh, Neville. That looks bad-"

"I'm okay, Luna," he said calmly. Since the battle, I noticed he was much calmer than he ever was been before, like he was finally at peace with himself. He edged closer to me on the bench and I felt my face getting hotter, my heart getting faster and my palms getting clammier.

"It's you I should be worried about, that's a nasty looking bump."

"No, I'm fine really," I said, my hand absentmindedly brushing past the swelling on my forehead. I winced slightly.

"Are you sure?" he asked. He didn't believe me. He knew I was lying.

I nodded - I didn't need him worrying about me, what good would that do? A small smile escaped my mouth and as soon as it was out, it got bigger and brighter until I was beaming like a pair of headlights. I was delirious.

Neville watched me intently. His eyes sparkled with amusement. He tried valiantly to suppress his laughter but failed miserably. He laughed like he'd just heard the funniest thing in the world.

We were a pair of idiots, smiling and laughing and throwing our arms around each other.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked into his shoulder.

"Voldemort's dead," he whispered, like he couldn't believe it. "It's over."

"Yeah," I said breathlessly, "Voldemort's dead."

To say aloud, it was wonderful. The oppression, the ambushes, the fighting, the death, it was all over.

"Voldemort's dead," I repeated, clinging onto Neville's vibrating shoulder.

But I had no idea how naive we really were.

Sanity ~ A Luna Lovegood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now