Prologue - I have to leave

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This is my 2015 nano.  The other just didn't work out.  I have finished this barely before the end of the month and I hope you enjoy it.  It is relatively unedited and need some work.  I will be working on this in the next few weeks.

Gael rolled out of bed and it was dark out. By now it was after midnight and most everyone was asleep. He walked over to the window and looked out into the darkness. His eyes easily penetrated the darkness and with a grim smile he noticed the grounds were finally clear of close in observers. Once he was sure of that he went over to his closet and started pulling out some clothing. Most of it was normal clothing which he could work in. In this case most of it was jeans, shirts, and a few other items.

The last thing he did was to pull out the hidden safe and empty it of cash and some other items. Most of it was cash but there were some jewelry and a small photo album. Once he had those packed away he moved to the other room and checked on his baby. She was sleeping comfortably and had only been fed a short time ago. Her diaper bag was always packed but he pulled another bag out and added more diapers, formula, and clothing. Even though it was the beginning of summer he packed some warmer clothing as well.

Once he had everything he needed he gathered her and her bags up before walking to his room. The other bag was added to the two for the baby. Once he had everything he walked over to the doors to the balcony and walked out. He glanced around again and then hopped over the balcony. Since he was only on the second floor the landing was relatively gentle and the baby didn't wake. He hadn't expected her to since she was a heavy sleeper most of the time.

Now that he was out of his room he stood there for a moment and looked around. He still couldn't sense anyone close. Once he was sure he was alone he moved towards the garage and once there he paused again and checked to see if anyone was there. Again once he was sure there wasn't anyone he moved over to his Bronco. It was one which he had spent many a month's restoring and was in mint condition. Well the interior and drive train was. The exterior was a rattle can black which he preferred. What was so amusing was that it was professionally done.

After carefully securing his daughter into the baby seat he tossed the bags in the back. Since he didn't want to wake everyone up with the exhaust he fired her up while the doors were closed. Once the exhaust had warmed up and quieted down he opened the garage and slowly pulled out. After pulling out he very slowly moved towards the gate and finally left the property.

Once they hit the open road he opened the engine up and easily hit 65 mph which was the limit. For now, he was going to obey all the road rules. Till he was outside the territory he wasn't going to do anything which drew attention to him. That was the last thing he needed. The one thing he really hoped was that their baby didn't start crying till he was outside the territory. If he had to stop before then it might become tight.

As hard as he tried not to his mind wandered back to that morning. "Hey love, I have a little surprise for you." Aislinn wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a very deep kiss. "I just came back from the doctor and... We are going to have a baby." She had been so happy when she informed him.

Gael could only gape at her for several minutes till his brain caught up. When it did he wrapped his arms around her and whirled her around in a circle. "Oh man, I am so happy." He had pulled her close and tucked her head under his. God he was so pleased with the news. After several weeks of discussion, they had settled on the names of Bridget for a girl and Bastian if a boy.

He shook his head and drove the memories away. He needed to concentrate on the drive. Over the last two months he had made a point of going to sleep early just to get people used to it. That and though there were a number of female's who had offered to help with his baby he had ignored them as much as possible. He had made a point of doing everything he could for her and that was how he had wanted it.

His lost mate - Nano 2015Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ