Playlist Live Day 1

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Shay's POV:  

Today we are going to Orlando for Playlist live, an annual Youtube conference held in Florida. I'm a little nervous because this is our first time doing a big Youtube conference with Avia being sick. I mean chemo weakens her immune system and I just don't want to do anything that could in anyway jeopardize her health. But Colette and I have percussions in place and hopefully everything will workout. Our flight leaves this morning at 8 which means we have to leave the house at 5:30 so that way we get there with enough time. It's currently 4:30 and I just finished loading up the car, I now have the lovely task of waking up four out of my five kids. I started off with Avia and Gavin who slept downstairs, I figured that they were more likely to comply with me. I walked into Gavin's room first and shook him, telling him to wake up. He groaned and then rubbed eyes before slowly getting out of bed. I then went into Avia's room, I lightly shook her and told her to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and then began feeling around for her crutches, I chuckled lightly and handed them to her. I went back upstairs to wake up Brock and Emmi. Brock would probably be easier to wake up then Emmi and we had also made him sleep in what he was wearing on the plane so that way we wouldn't have to help him get dressed. I walked over to Brock and said, 

"Hey buddy wake up so we can go on the airplane." Brock shot up and ran to the kitchen to eat. 

I then walked over to Emmi's bed and shook her telling her to get ready because we had to leave soon. She groaned and got up following Brock out to the kitchen. 

"Daddy, can you help me upstairs." I heard Avia say over the intercom that most of the bedrooms had. I laughed and answered back a yes. I walked down into her room and saw her sitting on her bed ready to go. 

"I seriously think we should invest in one of those chair things that brings you up and down the stairs." I said picking her up

"I told you I'm young and spry." she said laughing. 

"Yeah and when was the last time you walked up those stairs." I said playfully. 

"Touche" she said smirking at me. I placed her on the ground and she went off join her other siblings at the breakfast bar. 

The kids finished eating and Colette finally emerged with Daxton from his room and then we loaded up into the car and headed to the airport. The kids all luckily ended up sleeping on the drive over making it more bearable for Colette and I. Although reawakening the kids up when got the airport was not fun. 

"Okay 5 kids, luggage, wheelchair, stroller, a hot wife." I said kissing Colette on the cheek. "Oh Avia, you have to put this mask on, airports are filled with germs."

"Ahh fine." she groaned putting it on.

"I know you hate them but you don't want to get sick right." I said putting her on my shoulders and walked into the airport. 

We checked the luggage and then headed to security. While we were waiting in line I realized something, we didn't have Avia's wheelchair and her crutches were metal. How exactly we were supposed to get her through security because she can't exactly walk without her crutches, ohh well I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get there. The line moved quickly and soon enough we were at the front of line trying to figure out how to get Avia through security. 

"Excuse me sir. We checked my daughter's wheelchair and she's paralyzed in her right leg how are we supposed to get her through security." I asked 

"She's gotta walk like everybody else and check her crutches. Sorry." He said sternly. 

"But that's thing it's kind of hard to walk when you have one good foot." I said

"Like sir there's no way around it I'm sorry." he said again

I sighed and put Avia on the ground supporting her with my one arm. She took her crutches off her wrists and put them in the metal bucket, she leaned on the conveyor belt thing while I walked through. She then on one foot hopped through the metal detector having no other way to get through, she ended up tripping over own feet and almost falling flat on her face. Luckily I caught her though. 

After the whole security issue we walked to the gate on hung out there until we had to board. 

-Le Time skip- 

Shay's POV: 

We finally made it to our hotel in Florida. We're staying at Disney for a few days before playlist because they asked to be apart of their Youtuber Disney series. I checked us in and then helped Colette bring everything up to the room. It was only the middle of the day so we decided to take the kids to one of the parks after we finished unpacking. The kids were starting to get bored after an hour so Colette and I decided to finish unpacking later and bring the kids to the park. I grabbed the backpack we had designated for the park and made sure all the kids had their magic bands on before heading out to the buses. We had decided to take the kids to the Magic Kingdom because that's like Disney World's main park and there is something there that everyone can ride. We spent the rest of the evening at the park before having to head back to the hotel because a nurse was coming to give Avia chemo. Unfortunately being on vacation does not give us a break from the harsh reality of having a sick child.  

AN: Well that chapter kind of sucked. Also please nominate me for tardology Shaytards book award thing. I would greatly appreciate it. 

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