Idaho VS Los Angeles

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Colette's POV: Today me and Daxton were leaving for California to shoot some stuff for the Mom's View. Last night after everybody left I finished packing and loaded up the car so that way this morning would be less stressful. My flight left at 11:30 which meant that I needed to leave the house by 9:30, as much as I loved going out to California and doing the Mom's View now wasn't exactly the best time in my life to have to fly out to California. But this was our job and just like any other job if we wanted to get paid then we had to work and this was put of work. I woke up around 8:30 to eat breakfast and say goodbye to the kids, Shay who had already gotten up and done cross fit decided to make me some pancakes. I smiled and thanked him, I then felt bad that I was about to leave him with four kids one of them would be at the hospital for two of those days as well. He must have sensed that I was nervous about leaving him because he walked over and kissed me and said that he had everything under control. I was in the middle of breakfast when the kids began to wake up, Gavin and Avia came upstairs from the basement first and began to get ready for the day. Each of them made some oatmeal and got some watermelon slices, Avia was now going through the cupboards trying to find the medication she needed to take with breakfast. I got up and helped her find what she needed to take and how many of what she needed to take before going back to my breakfast, she grabbed a cup and put the pills in there and then got another cup and poured some chocolate milk in it. We typically let Avia have chocolate milk or soda or something good tasting with the pills to try to take away the bad taste. She carried her stuff over to the counter and began her breakfast regiment of eating and taking pills, Brock and Emmi came out about 9 AM and began to go about the daily routines of a 4 and 6 year old. That meant that before anything else they would watch TV, Disney Junior was now about to run for at least an hour which means that Avia and Gavin will go into hiding because they can't stand Disney Junior. By the time I finished breakfast and helped Avia and Gavin clean up their breakfasts I realized I had to leave in a minute, I went and grabbed Daxton from the nursery and put him in the stroller luckily he stayed asleep. I then went over to the couch to say goodbye to Emmi and Brock, I told them to be good and listen to Shay. I then went over to Gavin who was sitting at the breakfast bar reading one of his books, I gave him a hug and a kiss and asked him that if he could help out Shay with Avia. He hugged me back and said he would, I then went into the basement to say goodbye to Avia who was finishing getting ready for the hospital. I hugged her and kissed her as well, I lingered there hugging her for a second before letting go. She looked up at me and said don't worry I help out with Brock, Brock loved all the kids but he was particularly close with Avia and sometimes would only go to her for things. To kissed her on the head and thanked her she had so much going on in her own life and was still willing to take care of her younger siblings. I went back upstairs and gave Shay a hug and a kiss goodbye as well, I wished him good luck and grabbed Daxton and headed off to the airport. We got through airport security easily and I was now at the Gate with Daxton giving him some dry cheerios for breakfast, I was lucky to have such an easy baby to travel with. The flight to California was quick which was nice because it meant I didn't have time to worry about Avia, once we landed I called an Uber so that way I could drop our luggage off at the apartment so that way I could head to maker to shoot, Kayli and Carlie had left the party early to fly out last night. I on the other hand had stayed because it meant a lot to Avia and I wanted to spend as much time with the family before heading to California. I put the luggage in the spare bedroom and went down to the parking garage where Shay and I kept and extra car for when we were on business trips to LA, I put Daxton in his car seat and headed toward Maker. On the way there I had come to the realization that I would have to tell everyone about Avia. I parked the car in the maker lot and headed inside with Daxton, I meet up with the other moms about nothing particular Carlie and Kayli didn't bring up Avia which I was grateful for because I did not want to talk about it, we were about to shoot so I gave Daxton to Cecily and went and took my place in my chair on set. The camera started rolling and Shahrazad began the episode with her usual stick before asking for updates, unfortunately they she started with me because I hadn't been here the longest. I sighed and talked about how we had moved back to Idaho and were settling in when Avia got sick and we took her the doctor two weeks ago then ended up at the hospital which lead to Avia's cancer diagnosis, Angel and Shahrazad both gasped as I began to tear up. Carlie grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze to let me know she was here for me and that it would be okay, this launched in to an entire episodes discussion on Avia, childhood cancer and what it was like having a sick child. Once the episode was over I excused myself to go call Shay and see how he was doing with the kids, if I did the math right it should be in the middle of Avia's chemotherapy treatment.

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