Treatment Begins

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Avia's POV: Today was my first day of chemo which meant today was the first day in my recovery process. As much as I wanted to get better I did not want to go to the hospital again, but I knew it had to be done. I was in my room finishing packing a bag of stuff to keep me occupied while I had a four hour chemotherapy treatment, once chemo was over I was aloud to go home and I would have to come back two more times this week to do the same thing. It was ten in the morning and we were leaving for the hospital at 11 and my first round of chemo began at 12. Once I finished packing I went into the kitchen to eat breakfast, my mom had made me eggs with sausage and toast. Gavin who was coming with us to the hospital again was  also at the counter eating breakfast. He was having a bowl of cereal. My dad came in and he was vlogging he was filming Emmi playing with Daxton when he saw that I had woken up and came out of my room. He left Emmi and Daxton and came over and started filming me, he asked me if I was nervous for my first day of chemo. I said yes because I didn't know what to expect and I did not like not knowing what was to come. I finished up breakfast and went and sat on the couch with Emmi who was watching Frozen, again. As much as I loved the movie I sometimes wished she would watch other things. I sat with her for about a half hour before my dad called me telling me that we were leaving, before I left I hugged Emmi and Brock goodbye because Grandma and Grandpa were watching them because they weren't coming with us to the hospital. After saying goodbye I headed out to dads truck and got in the back with Gavin and Daxton. On the car ride of to the hospital I played with Daxton, he was so cute and I was glad to have him as my little brother. When we got to the hospital we went to the admissions desk, this time they gave a hospital bracelet and told me to keep it on all the time so that way whenever I came to the hospital I wouldn't have to get another one, I would just show the desk and they would bring me to a room. Once again a nurse came with a wheelchair came to bring me up to a room, she let my dad push me up which was nice. As I was being wheeled up to my room I felt and odd sense of comfort and familiarity and I didn't like it at all. When we got up to my room I got out of the wheelchair and sat down in the hospital bed and turned on the TV, we had about a half hour before I was supposed to begin chemo and nurses were coming in and checking my blood pressure and temperature and stuff to make sure everything was squared away and accounted for before I began treatment. I continued to watch TV with Gavin as my mom talked to doctors and nurses and my dad vlogged, it was chaotic but I lived in a family full of chaos which meant this felt fairly normal. At 12 PM on the dot my doctor John came in with needles and bags and all this stuff, I was beginning to get nervous. Gavin who was sitting in a chair must have been able to tell because he gave my hand a squeeze and told me everything would be okay, there was something about Gavin that always calmed me down no matter how scared I was. Once Doctor John finished getting situated he asked me if I could lift up my shirt so that way he could access my port, I nodded quickly and lifted up my old Shaytards tee shirt, he explained to me that this needle would go into my chest and would stay there until I was done with chemo for the day the needle itself was connected to various lines of medication on a pole next to my bed. He rubbed this weird orange stuff on my chest and told I could holds somebody's hand to make me feel better, I grabbed onto my moms hand because she was closest to my bed other then Gavin who I didn't want to hurt if I squeezed to hard. My dad was standing behind the doctor vlogging, people may think that this would not be the best time but we filmed our life and this was part of our life so it didn't bother me. John counted down from three before he stuck the needle into my chest, it hurt a little bit but I just squeezed my moms hand hoping the pain would go away. Once the needle was fully in my chest and the machine set up to give me the correct dosage John asked me turn and face my parent so he could give me this thing called a Methotrexate shot, he told us what it was for at point but I didn't remember. So I turned to be facing my mom, dad and brother, he once again rubbed some weird stuff on my back before counting down from three and sticking a needle into my back. This hurt a lot I was holding onto my dads hand and was trying to not cry because I knew I had to be brave, my mom was stroking my hair and was telling me everything would be okay. Eventually I couldn't hold the tears in anymore and I began to cry, my parents tried to comfort me but it didn't work. I stopped crying once the needle was taken out of my back, John told me I did a good job and that he would be back at four to disconnect me from chemo. After he left I settled back into bed and began to watch a movie on my dads laptop, periodically through out the afternoon doctors and nurses came in to check on me and see how I was doing, I was a little tired but was doing fine. At around 3 in the afternoon I didn't feel good so I told my parents who got me a bucket and explained that throwing up was a side effect to the chemo, my mom held my hair as I threw up it was nothing to bad. It was like having the stomach virus. At 4 John came back in to disconnect me from the chemo he explained to my parents some potential side effects I would feel through out and the night, after that he took the needle out of my chest and told me that we could now go home. This time we didn't even wait for a nurse to come back with a wheelchair, my dad just picked me up and carried me out to the car. When we got home my dad placed me on the couch with a blanket and a bucket next to me in case I felt sick again. My dad turned on Despicable Me as I feel asleep, I slept until dinner time, my parents had made spaghetti which is my all time favorite.  My mom called us for dinner so I slowly got up off the couch and walked into the dinning room to eat dinner with my family, we quickly prayed before digging into our food. After dinner I went back to lie down on the couch and finish the movie, I was laying down and watching the movie when my mom brought me ice cream. I went to get up to go and eat it had the counter but she said I could eat it on the couch because I had chemo today. At around 9:30 I went downstairs to go to bed cause I was pretty tired from the chemo, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed gladly knowing that the worst of the days was over. But boy was I wrong I woke up at around 1 in the morning and did not feel good at all so I went upstairs to let my parents know, I got into their bedroom and woke them up. I ran into their bathroom and threw up once I finished throwing up my mom moved me to the couch and turned on a movie and a placed a bucket next to where I was sitting, for the rest of the night I slept and occasionally woke up to throw up. 

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