The Journey Begins

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This book is dedicated to my uncle, who served my country with honor. May he rest in peace. <3 

The story begins when a girl was born in a little house on January 1st. She was not an ordinary child. She could heal people with just one touch.

Her name was Talia Valkaria. Talia's mother was taken right after Talia was born, in the country that they lived in each family could only have one child. And Talia had already had a older brother named Finn who was only two at the time. At first Finn didn't like Thalia, but he started to like having a little sister. Even if he missed his mother, Thalia reminded him of his mother.

Thalia was loved by all, but there was a lot of people who didn't like her. They called her a "Freak", they would say all these horrible things about her. They didn't like the fact that she had special abilities. And many people were joining forces to kill her. The people burned down their house. Luckily Thalia, Finn, and their father made it out before anyone got hurt. Then they had to find a new house. They did eventually.

They were fine for a little while. But people still wanted her dead. So they sot out to kill her.

Fourteen years later.......

"Finn, can you please help me carry this box?" Thalia says to Finn.

"Why me, you can carry that yourself." Finn says to Thalia.

Ever since I was born my brother blames me for our mother being taken away, and even after that my father kinda lost it. He did a lot of bad things after my mother was taken. My uncle watched over us while our father was is prison. Finn didn't take that very well though. My uncle never told us really about his past, he didn't even mentioned what he did in his past. He left when Finn was seven and I was only five years old. After that Finn raised me. 

Talia picks up the box and tries to carry it even though she knows it is really heavy

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Talia picks up the box and tries to carry it even though she knows it is really heavy. She feels the box start to slip.

"Finn!" Talia yells as the box slips

"Help me Finn, the box is slipping!" Talia screams.

"Errg" Finn rushes over to help her. And quickly grabs the box.

"Are you ok?" Finn asks.

"Geez, you have magical powers but you cant carry this small box." He looks in the box to see what is inside. He looks at Talia and gives her that 'Really?' look.

"Talia, why are you carrying a box rocks?" He asks.

"Technically they are not 'rocks'. They are geodes."

"How do you know they are geodes and why do you have them?" Finn asks.

"I found them while I was gardening." She says to Finn

"I thought they could be worth something."


She shows him a little piece that she broke off.

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