Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [A Draco Malfoy Love Story] (1)

Start from the beginning

I clenched my fists.  I hate Snape.  Almost as much as Malfoy.  Almost.

"Okay class. Now that the seating arrangement is all set up read Chapters 17 thorugh 24 to yourselves.  If you talk there will be one weeks detention. And the two funny people will be attending detention tonight" Snape sneered.

I opened the textbook.  I couldn't concentrate though.  How am I going to study? I have like 3 tests tomorrow!!  Maybe during lunch...

The bell rings and I jump.

"I hope you all finished reading.  That is going to be on the test tomorrow" Snape said.


*     *     *

I walked down to lunch.  I was just going to grab a quick bite before I went back up to my room to study.  I completely zoned out of Potions class and I had less than 24 hours to study. 

"Hey!" Harry said.

"Hey" I said sadly.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked taking my hand.  We stepped out of the lunch time trafic and off to the side of the hallway.

"Well I completely zoned out of Potions class so I desprately need to study or I'm doomed" I said.

"Oh.  If you want I could study with you?" Harry offered. I smiled. We walked down to the dining area. Harry went to the Gryffandor table and I to the Slytherin. The room was loud with chatter.  I could make out a few confersations from my 'Slytherin friends'.

"He's so hot"

"I wish he would ask me out"

"I love the way Draco is such a bad boy.  Did you know he got detention?"

THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT MALFOY?? He is so not hot.  He's the opposite.  He's a cold, unmerciless, prat.  Who really needs a mint.

"Johnson" Malfoy spat.

Speak of the Devil.

"Malfoy" I sneered.

"Don't be late for our detention" Malfoy smiled coldly.

"Don't worry I can't wait" I said sarcasstically.

"You ready?" Harry asked. I smiled and got up.

"What are you doing here Potter?" Malfoy asked.

"None of your buisness Malfoy" Harry sneered.  I grabbed Harry's arm and brought him to the library.

"Okay. Now lets get to studying" I said.  I took out the Potions book.  I opened it up and sighed.

"Or...." Harry said.

"Or what?" I asked sceptically.

"Or we could take a break"

"We just started!!" i exclaimed.

"Yeah but studying is hard!!!" Harry said. I shook my head.  Boys.

"Go back to the dining area.  I'll study" I said and smiled.

"No I want to be with you! We haven't seen each other since Potions which was like first period" Harry said.

"Well we can spend the whole Quidditch class together.  And this class is where Madam Hooch lets us just flly around and get used to our brooms" I offer. I didn't want to tell him that Quidditch was tomorrow.  He might have gotten all sad again.

"Well alright.  Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him.  Harry left but it took a while.  He insisted on staying and helping me. I told him no.  He left reluctantly.  I opened the textbook again.  This was going to be a long day.

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