Akito part 1

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Konnichiwa! Just as I promised, double update! Also, I forgot to mention, but all the things in the previous chapter about juvenile delinquent centres are true, and I even watched a documentary on them for research. I think it's really important to reasearch what you are writing about, whether it's fanfiction, or a proper published novel. Also, sorry about the media... I couldn't get it to load (I normally have pictures of the characters I am writing about.) but I will try again tomorrow.

Arigato and please vote and comment!


P.S: (What does P.S even stand for?) The zodiac story Akito's father tells her is the one described in Fruits Basket volume 22, not the other one about the rat tricking the cat.

A rash of goosebumps appear on my arm as Kyo speaks. I thought I'd got rid of him! Dirty, disgusting, diseased cat! Just speaking to him makes me feel completely repulsed. He is the most vile creature on this earth; and he doesn't deserve life. He really doesn't.

"Cat." I reply, trying to keep my cool.

"Why, Akito? Just... why the hell would you do something like this?" Kyo asks, his voice more sad than angry.

"Why did you kiss her?" I ask him. They are the most horrible people I have ever met, of course they'd fall for each other.


Just fuck.

When did I get so bitter? Was it my bitch of a mother, was it my short-lived father or...

Is it just me?


I didn't asked for this. I never wanted to be 'God.' I just wanted to be Akito. I just wanted to be a normal girl with a normal childhood.

The only thing that convinced me I was special was my father. He played with me everyday, fed me, clothed me. At night he was the one who would read me a bedtime story. I loved all the wonderful tales he told me, but my all-time favourite was an old fable.

The legend of the Chinese Zodiac.

He would take great pleasure in describing the glorious banquets the animals shared. His favourite animal was the tiger, because it was loyal and feirce, just like me. My favourite animal was always the cat. Every single time he got to the part when the cat died, I would start to cry. Then he would always hug me and wipe away my tears until I felt better. He always said that one day, I would meet the cat. I didn't understand what he meant until a few years later.

That was when I realised that my father's version of the zodiac was very different to everyone else's. They shunned the cat, they hated and despised the unfortuanate creature. Even when Kyo was just a tiny baby, the whole family treated him like dirt.

So, in turn, I began to do the same. Without my father's guidance, I became lost. What made it worse was my mother's endless hatred for me. She couldn't even bear to be in the same room as me.


Ultimately, what happened to Tohru Honda was completely down to me and me alone.


Maybe it was my father's spirit come back to guide me, maybe it was the will to anger my mother, maybe it was for some desperate plea for forgiveness, I never expected what happened next.

"I kissed Tohru because I love her. More than anything in the world. Fuck... FUCK!" He shouts down the phone, causing a sharp pain to hit my eardrum.

"Kyo-" I begin.


I hear the gruff voice of a burly man talking to Kyo. Maybe it's a prison guard or someone like that.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" I blurt out, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The phone goes dead.

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