Kyo part 5

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Konnichiwa! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. But don't worry, because it's a double update! Why, I hear you ask? Well, you'll see at the end of this chapter! Also, I'm doing a Q and A in my art book, and so far I only have two (really great) questions, SO PLEASE COMMENT YOUR QUESTIONS!


Arigato and please vote and comment !


"Kyo-kun, look!" Tohru cried, trying to get my attention by tapping my shoulder.

"What?" I answered, mildly irritated. I was meant to be doing a project for homework that was due in the very next day. I had procrastinated long enough, and I'd really be in for it if I didn't finish the damn thing.

Tohru held a small, fluffy white creature in her arms. "It's a kitten!" she announced gleefully, gently petting the kitten.

"Woah... where'd that come from?" I asked as she continued to stroke it. Hell, I couldn't stay mad at her for long. She was just too cute!

"I just found him in the bushes. Isn't he so adorable?" Tohru replied, holding her arms out for me to take the kitten. I held it obediently in my arms. It... was actually kind of sweet.

"I wonder who he belongs to..." Tohru specualated.

The kitten purred contentedly in my arms. Ah, dammit. Cats were naturally drawn to me; it was one of the weirder quirks of being part of the zodiac.

Tohru smiled at me, and I couldn't help but grin back. I forgot about the homework, and we happily played with the kitten for hours. We ended the day on the roof, slurping hot soumen, the kitten snoozing on my coat, cutely snoring.

I felt the happiest I had felt in a long while that day. I was just starting to develop a slight crush on Tohru.

However, the next day, the kitten (who Tohru had nicknamed Fluffy, possibly the least creative name ever) was reclaimed by his worried and kinda angry owners, and I got detention every day after school for an hour for a month.

I leant the oldest lesson that day.

All good things must come to an end.

But surely... surely Tohru isn't included in that? She can't... she mustn't die.


I stare at the limp math worksheet. The kid next to me catches my eye and smiles. He's really young; damn, he's only about twelve.

Iv'e met kids here who'v done some terrible things. One boy killed his parents. Another beat up a cop. Some are going to be locked up for thirty, forty years. Others two or three. Most of us are waiting for our trials.

I share a cell with a quiet boy with long, dark hair. He hardly ever speaks. It's actually kind of creepy. I heard he killed his teacher. Actually stabbed her. That's why I haven't been sleeping recently. Because I can feel his cold stare below me at night. His endless fixation on me, and what's worse is that I'm on the top bunk, and sometimes I can feel him scratching at my bed.

I don't want to, but if he does... attack me, at least I have some protection. My other form. Maybe this curse could actually prove to be a blessing?


The fat guard gestures to the phone.

"One call." he tells me. I nod my head, and eagerly pick up the hand set. Iv'e been waiting ages for this. If your'e 'good' here, meaning you don't get into any fights and complete your schoolwork obediently and do what the guards tell you, you are slowly rewarded with privileges, such as TV, or getting to use the phone.

You already know who I'm going to call, don't you? And I expect you can predict what happens next:

'Tohru... keep fighting. Fight for me, please. I love you so, so much.'

'Kyo-kun! Be safe! I love you too!'

I take the phone off it's gray cradle.

I punch the familiar number into the plastic keypad.

I hold the phone to my ear and wait for someone to pick it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" asks the voice from the other side of the line.

"Hello, Akito..." I answer, a twisted grin displayed on my face.

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