"My mother has treated your wound, we have given you food and helped you when you needed it. Is it too much to ask for the truth in return??" Allena said, letting herself get just a little worked up. "I don't understand what your terrible secret is! Are you that embarrassed of your heritage? Has your king deemed you treacherous? Have you done something horrible?"

"I HAVE FAILED!!" Arthur yelled back, stunning both Allena and Elias. "That's all you need to know."

The yelling got Alys' attention. "What is going on?" she asked rather sternly, trying to get hold of the situation.

"We just want the truth," Allena said quietly. "I think we have the right to know who this man truly is when we have invited him into our home and healed his wounds. That is all we ask."

Before Alys could say anything, Arthur had taken one look at them all and stormed off. He needed to control his anger. Every feeling, every memory he had tried to push away, now flooded his mind and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His whole body trembled as he forced himself not to cry. Arthur clenched his fists and kicked the nearest tree hard before sinking to his knees. He had no idea how long he sat there, feeling like his chest was bleeding and his breath like stabbing knives.

"Arthur?" a familiar voice asked.

It was Merlin.

He, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan and Leon approached their friend cautiously, only to find him with his palms pressed to his face as if trying to keep everything inside.

"Arthur," Merlin repeated. "Please look at me."

Taking a few deep breaths, Arthur tried to determine whether he was ready to face Merlin and the knights yet or not. There were many reasons to scream and shout at Merlin, but Arthur chose a different option entirely. "I don't know what to do," he said. "I've failed, Merlin."

Merlin put his hand on Arthur shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "No," Merlin countered. "You have not failed. You are lost, Arthur. There is a difference."

Arthur frowned and it still felt as if his heart had been ripped out. "What can we do? She still outnumbers us, does she not? And even if she doesn't, what can we do against her army? This time her soldiers are not ordinary men she has enchanted, they are sorcerers! It will be an unjust battle that cannot be won!"

Merlin got up, all the time making sure he kept eye contact with Arthur. "It is true that Morgana has the advantage this time as well," Merlin clarified. "But that does not mean that we don't stand a chance." He urged for Arthur to stand up too, before he went on. "I know you don't believe in destiny, Arthur, but if I asked you to believe in me, would you?"

Arthur looked slightly confused for a moment.

"Would you?" Merlin repeated persistently.

"I would," Arthur sighed.

"Sire," Elyan broke in. "To feel despair is no sin. I myself have had a very difficult time to move on from this nightmare. But in spite of that, I see only one way to come around it all; and it starts with the truth." He frowned earnestly. "We will still stand by your side, all in for Camelot and most of all for you."

Arthur looked his old friends in the eyes. It was overwhelming to get such a reaction out of them. A small lump formed in his throat. It took a minute before he was capable of putting on a serious face and straighten his back. "I expected nothing less of you." He almost smiled, but it was a sad one. "First however, I owe these good people here the truth," he said. "And I believe you are right, Elyan, it would only be fair to give it to them after all that has happened." With that, Arthur took one last look at his most loyal friends. "Will you come with me?"

Merlin: The Land of AlbionWhere stories live. Discover now