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An old man was limping his way to the gates of a great citadel. He had long white hair and was dressed in red and carried a walking stick to support his old, aching body as he moved. After all these years, the sight of this great palace was still so breathtaking. The old man had a smile on his face as he watched the citadel, in all its glory, recalling all the years of his life he had spent here.

Inside that same great palace was the family of a fair and just king, who created the kingdom of Albion in all its wonder. Few dared to question his authority and his beautiful queen was loved and adored. Through the years, the king and his people had been through crises, scandals and disasters. But the knights of Albion walked proudly on their guard to protect the king, his family and the people. Even the guards were proud to stand on their posts in the great palace. Of course, the king also had a council of advisers; the best of them were three retired knights. One of them used to be the strongest knight the kingdom had ever seen, the second had been a loyal knight to the king when he had been but a young prince, and the third was always the joker. This was something which had not changed as he had aged. Maybe it had even gotten worse over the years. Despite the misery and pain its people had been put through, Albion was now a peaceful place. And on the subject of sorcerery; this was something which was only practiced with permission from the king.

This was the sight that the old Merlin was met with as he admired all that was Albion. It was his home, his past, his present. The destinies predicted by the great dragon, Kilgarrah, had become true. 

But it had not been an easy journey.

Merlin: The Land of AlbionWhere stories live. Discover now