Said It All

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Arthur woke due to an almost unbearable pain penetrating his gut. It felt as if a thousand knives were stabbing him continuously and he groaned in an attempt to handle the pain.

"Mother said you'd be hurting," a voice said.

Arthur turned his head towards the speaker, surprised that he was not alone as he had thought. Allena sat by the bed on a small stool. Arthur didn't respond, but tried to sit himself up. Agony washed through him again and Allena pushed him back down.

"No, no, no, you," she said. "Better stay down or you might rip open your wound." She moved the stool closer to the bed. "Anyway, I'm glad you're awake. That means you're healing. Slowly at

"Where is everyone else?" Arthur asked, confused, as he took a look around the small hut.

"Out," Allena shrugged. "My sister has finally collected enough fabric to make herself a new dress. I believe she and the other girls are somewhere outside talking about how she should sow said dress."

Arthur looked properly at Allena now. "But you're not joining them?"

She smiled a bit. "I have other things to do." She got up from her stool in a hurry. "My father wants to see you. He wants to know more. If you feel up to it?"

Arthur was still exhausted and needed rest. He didn't want to have Adrian's suspicious gaze over him like a poisonous snake; he'd rather be alone - alone in the world. Still, there was such a thing as stubbornness. Adrian would have this talk with 'Percival' no matter what since he was head of this village. Pushing this man away would only mean further torture.

"Here," Allena handed Arthur a plate of mushy porridge and left the hut with the words: "I'll tell my father that you are awake. Goodmorning."

When Allena was gone, Arthur stared at his food debating whether to eat it or not. It wasn't because it seemed right out revolting as he might have thought when he was yet a younger man, it was because Arthur felt no hunger. He still felt that blinding pain controlling him. It was rooted deep within him.

"You should eat."

Arthur looked up to find Adrian standing there with his arms crossed, an inquisitive look on his face.

"Eat," Adrian encouraged. "Or if you won't I refuse let it go to waste."

Arthur took the spoon and then started eating slowly.

"So," Adrian continued. "How does someone like you end up here? Who were you fighting?"

"An enemy," 'Percival' answered.

"Well then, Percival. Did that enemy win the fight against you?"

"It wasn't a fight," 'Percival' explained. "It was a slaughter. We never stood a chance, we were defenseless against their forces."

"But there was only you in the forest where we found you. There were no other knights, enemy or not," Adrian informed him.

"There wouldn't be. Somehow I got away despite being wounded," 'Percival' lied. "But eventually I became too weak to stay on my horse and it ran away from me. Then I lost consciousness."

Adrian thought for a moment. "Am I to take it you have no place to return to?"

"My kingdom is lost," Arthur confirmed.

"I see," Adrian said. "You may stay here until you're feeling better. Then we will see how things stand."

'Percival' nodded. "Thank you for your kindness."

"Hmm," Adrian mumbled. "But as soon as you're ready, you have to work to eat like the rest of us. I am sorry for what you have lost and I hope that time will grant you some peace of mind." With that Adrian left.

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