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btw this is an alternate ending, you're welcome.

btw (part 2) the beginning of this (everything italicized) is basically the same as the last chapter.

Their eyes full of love and happiness never once leaving each other's. Both boys had beautiful bright smiles on their faces. Their hands intertwined but just barely as if one simple squeeze of their hand would break a bone in the others fragile hand. They were so in love.

Neither of them had any idea that they were both thinking the same thing.

One being, that they were both insanely in love. That they couldn't have been any more happier than they were in that moment. That they couldn't have asked for anything better because to them anything better than what they had for the past couple months to the moment they were sharing now, simply did not exist.

The row boat and movie quickly forgotten. Taking in the features of each other. Every flaw. Every perfection. Every quirk. Embracing the moment with soft kisses being shared.

They didn't do this much. The whole staring at each other in admiration thing, that is. It seemed even better than a boat and movie or any other date.

They loved this.

It felt like an hour that the two were staring at each other, basking in the beauty of the other when in reality it was 5 minutes, give or take a minute or two.

Luke was the first to break the comfortable silence he seemed nervous like he had something important to say but he soon relaxed when he stared into Calum's captivating brown eyes.

Only Calum could pull that off. While every one else's brown eyes were dull and very common. Calum's eyes were as captivating and beautiful as staring into someone's green or blue eyes.

"I love you so much, Calum."

Luke's words causing Calum to give off the brightest smile Luke has ever seen. His eyes crinkled on the sides. You could feel the love and happiness radiating off of him.

"And I love you so damn much, Luke."

They kissed for a while and it was slow and passionate and they felt every emotion they both felt in that moment, in their kiss. It was in fact their first "I love you's" so it meant a whole lot more to them.

Sure, 3 months of dating didn't seem long enough for I love you's but honestly if the feelings are there and there's nothing but sincerity and truth behind those three simple words then who's to say it's too early.

They both meant it. They both felt it. The love. So they said it.

They pulled apart and once again they were captivated by each other. They were back to their blissful state of mind where nothing was said and they were back to thinking about how lucky they both got to have each other.

They stayed like that for a while until the silence was broken.

It was Luke.

"I have something to tell you, Cal" he was nervous, lord knows he was, "I don't know how you'll react but I hope you feel the same way I do."

His nerves were eating him alive, he wanted to so badly just come out and say it. He was excited for the news and excited to tell Calum but he couldn't stop convincing himself that he would get a bad reaction even though he really hopes he wouldn't, but he was still struggling and Calum took notice of that.

"Babe, you know you can tell me anything and i'm always here for you no matter what." he cupped his cheeks and placed a quick kiss to his lips. "I love you."

Luke pushed his horrid thoughts aside, he was going to say it. He was going to look Calum in the eye and tell him the news. Yup, he's gonna do it.

Luke looked up at his boyfriends eyes. Determined to tell him but he couldn't. "I love you" is all he said. Calum was going to say it back but Luke quickly shut him up. He dug into his pocket and took something out, extending his arm out for Calum to retrieve the object.

"You're giving me a marker?"

That made Luke mumble a quick 'idiot' , in Calum's defense it was pretty dark.

"Just grab it."

So he did. He took a hold of it and looked it over. He was confused. So damn confused. That is until he noticed the little pink plus sign in dead center of the thing.

"You're pregnant?" He whispered, Luke nodded.

"We're gonna have a baby?" He said a bit louder a smile appearing on his face, Luke smiled as well and nodded.

"We're gonna be dads!" He exclaimed happily, Luke laughed and nodded.

"You made me fucking hold a stick that you peed on!" He shouted a look of disgust on his face as he finally came to that realization. Luke just laughed at him.

"I disinfected it right after, you big idiot."

Calum was quick to connect their lips. The smile on his face still big and wide. Happiness radiating off the two. Nothing or no one could ruin that moment. They were so damn happy. Love, happiness and now their soon to be family.

So 3 months seems like such a short time to say I love you let alone have a baby but they felt the love. They meant it every time they said it. Their love was so strong and so genuine. Who's to say it's too early for "I love you's". Who's to say its way too early to start a family. In their defense they didn't know either of them had the ability to but they could have been any more happier. Not one single regret.

They loved each other. They cared for each other. Their love and relationship was never one sided. Their baby only only made it even stronger if that was even possible.



a//n: hey baby girls//baby boys. the epilogue is left and you guys get to decide to which ending i write it for.

sad ending or happy ending.

Comment and let me know or else I'd have to decided and I just don't know. *pulls hair*

I hope you guys liked this by the way.

Love you guys,

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