Round 2 → The World From The Other Side Of The Moon - Phillip Phillips

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Dear mum, dear dad,

First of all, I'm so sorry. I know I only made mistakes before I left. We were fighting all the time. Because of me. Because of my own stupidity. Too much happened between us and I couldn't find a way out besides walking away.

But I still can still hear the words you said the day before. They keep echoing in my head. Over and over again and it's driving me crazy!

You asked me if I had forgotten where I came from.

Here's my answer: I didn't.

I am the little boy from Sneem, a small village at west side of Ireland. A village of just 600 souls. With cliffs as huge as mountains and lakes over lakes.

I know the living standards aren't the best. But once you get used to have a great mobile phone and connection everywhere... it's hard to describe but it makes you see loads of things easier then. So if you get back to the things you used to have before, well, let me say when you came from the future into medieval-ages, everything it different.

LA is a great town with uncountable opportunities. In Sneem... there's just nothing in comparison to LA. (What a surprise!)

But how can I ever forget the place I grew up in? I still can remember the nights I spend out in the nature with you, dad, and the days I helped you with selling our self-grown vegetables at the market every week.

I may be famous now, I may live thousands of miles away. But if we go out and look up to the sky... into the starlit sky, we can watch the same moon; we can see these uncountable stars above us.

And you know what? I'm sitting right next to the HOLLYWOOD sign, writing this letter sitting under the full moon. Tears are running down my cheeks. Dust is flying around me. Just like it used to be when I went on a camping trip with dad.

Though the whole world knows me and my songs, they'll never know what it's like to have such a nice family who's living in the most beautiful place in Ireland, in the entire world.

I may be here but the memories will stay forever. They'll stay here in LA or back in Sneem with you and all our great neighbours.

And there is no one who can rip the memory of my mind! I don't let it go! Never!

I can see the sun rising. It's slowly making its way across the horizon and lights the city up into a golden shiver.

I hope I could clear things up. I'm still your little boy, I'm still knowing where I'm coming from.

And I'm so thankful for everything you did for me and I can't stand the pressure of knowing that we fought the last time I saw you. And I don't know when I'll be back. But I miss Sneem.

I miss you.

Both of you.

In love,


P.S: I want to bring it back to how it was before.

Where We Came From by Phillip Phillips

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