Chapter 7

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A/N I'm so sorry that it took so fucking long. Lol. But without further ado. I know everyone has been waiting for this chapter so here it is! Enjoy!

I can not believe that asshole; he actually thinks he has a chance with me after all of the shit that he's put me through. He has got to be fucking delusional.

"Babe? Baaaabe? ELIANA?!" Pierce had to yell at me just to get my attention.

"Huh?" I asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"How was class with Sebastian?" he asked.

"Awful. He tried to get me to sleep with him." I only told him the partial truth because I did not need Pierce getting into a brawl with a teacher, regardless if he deserves it or not.

"Are you sure that's all that happened? Because a little birdie told me that he is trying to cause trouble between you and I." Shit, he had to know what happened then if he knew this much already.

"Look, it's not anything to worry about. Okay, Pierce?" I clarified with a solemn look on my face.

"Babe, if he thinks that he can just come onto you without any repercussions, that is where he is wrong. I'm not just gonna stand by and let him terrorize you." He growled out through gritted teeth.

"Listen to me, baby. He will not hurt us. He's just upset because no one has ever told him no. Even when he was little he always got what he wanted. It's just him." I sighed, doing my best to steer Pierce away from the topic of Sebastian.

"It pisses me off regardless. You're mine now, El. I'm scared he may steal you from me." Pierce was so honest with me, something that Bash never was. Bash would say his students came onto him if it meant keeping his job. That's just who Bash is. He puts himself first in every situation.

"He won't. He may try babe, but he can't get me back." I left out part of what I was thinking. He can't get me back, at least not while he's acting like this. I liked Pierce and I really didn't want to hurt him. He's all that I've got right now.

"Come meet my friends?" He asked with a huge grin plastered on his face. We'd been together for weeks and this was the first time he'd offered to introduce us.

"Really?" I grinned. I knew that there were girls in his group, so I was excited. I needed someone to talk to other than Pierce sometimes.

Pierce nodded his head and drug us to the courtyard. We had 4th period free, so we could all hang out at school without getting in trouble. There was a group of seven people sitting on a concrete table. They were talking and laughing; one girls' laugh bothered me though. It was sarcastic and just screamed slut. I pinpointed where it was coming from to find a drop dead beauty. Like she really needed to drop dead. She was around 5'9, white blonde hair, deep blue eyes, perfect body, perfectly rounded face. I instantly disliked her when she looked at Pierce with lust in her eyes.

I glared at her as we continued to walk until we came to a stop in front of their table. She wouldn't take her eyes off of Pierce. My Pierce.

"Babe, this is Morgan, my best friend. Morgan, this is Eliana, my girlfriend." He introduced me and the drop dead beauty.

"It's nice to meet you." She grinned before standing up and grabbing my hand. "We're going to the bathroom." She grinned at Pierce as he looked at her.

I looked at him with pleading eyes, but he just let her drag me away.

"Listen here, bitch. Pierce is mine. Always has been, always will be. You're just his little side piece of ass that he gets when I'm busy. Whatever he's been telling you is a lie because he doesn't really want you." She sneered at me. She really did need to drop dead.

"Oh really? Because from what I recall he's been staying at my house for weeks. And this is the first I've heard of you. He doesn't leave my side except for class, dumbass." I said in my sickly sweet tone. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going back to my gorgeous boyfriend." I smiled as I turned and made my way in the direction I desired.

"He's just gonna throw you away like the rest of the trash." She yelled after me.

I bit my bottom lip in order to contain my anger and try to keep the tears at bay. She angered me and upset me. I stormed back to the table only to find that Pierce was nowhere to be found.

"Wh-Where's Pierce?" I asked as I attempted to refrain from being weak.

"Said he had to take care of something really quick, but you can chill with us until he gets back if you want, hun." One of the guys offered. He had dark brown hair and pale grey eyes with a toned body. He was gorgeous, but nowhere near as perfect as Sebastian or Pierce.

"Sure, but what's your name?" I asked feeling slightly clueless.

"Oh, right. My name is Malacai. Pierce is my best friend." He said and I understood why he said Pierce was his best friend because he wasn't Pierce's. Pierce made it clear that Morgan came before anyone else; even me. I sighed sadly at the thought of Pierce never being able to put me first. I knew that Morgan was way better than me and I couldn't shake what she'd said. He probably will drop me eventually, but I hope he doesn't any time soon.

"It's nice to meet you, Malachai." I said as I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

"No, the pleasure is all mine." He grinned as he pulled me over to sit next to him. "So why'd you move here?" He asked.

I let out a girly giggle and sat beside him on the stone table. I thought about how I should answer this.

"My parents thought it'd be good for me to start new. They wanted me to get a better education and forget about my past a bit. It's complicated." I told Malachai. Pierce was the only person whom I'd told about Bash. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

"Well why would someone as beautiful as you need to start over? And how in the hell did Pierce manage to get your sexy ass in the sack so quickly?" He asked with a brightly dimpled smile as he discreetly scooted closer.

I blushed in response to him calling me beautiful and his very delightful way of asking how Pierce managed to fuck me so quickly. And again I thought about how I should answer, but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned my head to find out who it was only to find an angry Pierce.

"What the fuck are you doing, Malachai?" He asked between gritted teeth.

"I'm just messing with her Pierce. God damn, cool your tits bro." Malachai said with an eye roll and a hearty chuckle. "I'm gay." He whispered in my ear and him and Pierce both busted out laughing.

"You're such an asshole Pierce! I was getting really uncomfortable because you left me hear with a bunch of strangers." I pouted as I crossed my arms and slumped my shoulders.

Pierce's laughter died down and he wrapped his arms around me so I was face to chest with him. "I hate you." I pouted playfully as I lifted my head so my chin rested on his chest.

"I'm hurt." He teased with a small smile and leaned down to peck my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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