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She touched her stomach and blood began to pour.
"Natasha." Bruce whispered.

"It's ok...ok.." A voice echoes,

"Nat, NAT!" Bobbi yelled.

Natasha opened her eye and looked above her. Bobbi looked down on her and smiled.

"Nightmare?" She asked.

"Yeah. Gosh I hate them." Natasha sighed.

"Don't we all. You were just repeating yourself over and over." Bobbi smirked.

"What time is it?" She asked with gathering all her utensils together.

"Wake up call isn't for another hour. It's 6. What do you wanna do?" She asked.

"First, take a shower. Then, go fishing."

They two girls set of together and bathed and bathed by the lagoon, then dressed again. Bobbi and Natasha went back to the camp to see the rest of the team awake around the fire talking.

"Hey." They greet.

Natasha replied with a silent nod and Bobbi went and sat down next to Clint. Natasha took the next available seat next to Steve . She gave him a gentle smile and sat down listen to Thor talk about his battle in Asgard. Natasha looked around and saw that Clint and Tony were not present.

Just as Natasha was about to open her mouth and talk, a loud yell was heard and two high pitch screams. She turned around and Steve on the floor laughing with Bruce.

"Ah, I love scaring people."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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