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"Natasha Romanoff."

"Age?" He asked.

"That's classified I'll say." She replied with a Russian accent.

"So, Miss Romanoff. Care to tell me what this is?" He showed.

He held up a picture of a red star and a metal arm. She knew it was him. The WS. Winter Solider.

"The Winter Solider. Born 1917. Best Friend to Captain Rogers. Severed in 107th, when his unit was captured. He saved him, and they became apart of the Howling Commands." She said whilst a thick Russian accent.

"What happened to him? Do you know?" He asked.

She gave him and quick glance and leant back in chair.

"Why am I here?" She asks.

"What happened to him?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes at him.

"Fell of a train. He lay cold in the snow for 72 hours until HYDRA found him and experimented on him." She replied.

"When were you both trained? I know you have some sort of relationship with him. You must of knew about him, when he destroyed SHIELD-"

"No I never. He's HYDRA, I'm not. I was the KGB. Let's say we are the bad version of SHIELD. We a division trained to become assassins. Ever since I died, thing, well have been different. Revenge is wanted." She spilled.

"So who are you then, what do you do?" He asked.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry,"

"I'm not going to ask again. I can have you killed right here and now." He warned.

"I can't help you-"

"STOP LYING TO ME!" He yelled.

She looked at the window and saw Fury looking at him. At both of them.

"He's going to do it." He whispered.

"I doubt that very much...Agent Coulson." She said with a clear American accent.


The door opened and Fury came in. He un-cuffed her and watched her stand next to Fury.


"I'm Natasha Romanoff. Agent of SHIELD. I'm a level 7 Agent and work under the believes of Nicholas J Fury. I was an undeover Agent under Fury, who asked to assess you and the Avengers."

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