Turn of the Century

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Bishop never usually played with his food, but there was something about this character of a man that he found amusing. Perhaps it was the ridiculous look on his face when he bared his fangs or maybe his face held that expression anyway. He leant against a tree, twirling a daisy between his fingers whilst he waited for the man to appear.

After a good five minutes he heard the sound of dry leaves and twigs crunching underneath what seemed to be a cautious footstep. The soldier had found him. Chuckling, Bishop threw the dying daisy to the ground and hid behind an overgrown bush whilst he stalked his prey.

Aidan stumbled along clumsily, shushing at particularly loud twigs which would snap underfoot. As he came into the small clearing he could feel every muscle in his body tense and he gripped his gun tighter, one hand wrapped around the barrel as he figured his shot wouldn't be clear so instead he would use the blade at the other end.

'You are a brave one,' Bishop chuckled as he emerged from the bushes. He frowned at Aidan, giving him a quick once over. He was skinny but not too skinny, his hair was long and black, tied into a ponytail like his own and his eyes glistened like his own used to, before they turned black.

'Most men would have run, not followed me,' he continued, folding his arms over his chest. His eyes then rested on the small blade at the end of the gun Aidan was holding.

'I will kill you," Aidan mumbled, he looked up at Bishop. "For what you did to those men," He finished in a cry,

Bishop smiled, unfolding his arms and gesturing for Aidan to come forth and hit him with whatever it was he had. After a second of confusion Aidan had thrown himself at Bishop, the blade delved straight into his lower abdomen. Yet Bishop didn't flinch, at least not for real, just for effect to scare the young soldier.

Bishop then pulled back, the blade slid out of his stomach and he unsheathed his cutlass. It took Aidan a few seconds and a 'come on' gesture from Bishop to drop the gun and unsheathe his own cutlass, his mind couldn't comprehend what was happening so instead he just told himself to stay alive. But it didn't take long for Bishop to unarm Aidan, who was now lying on the floor with his hand, on top of his fallen sword, being crush by Bishop's foot. He cried in pain until Bishop kicked away his sword and stood back whilst he got to his feet.

'Are you quite done yet?' Bishop asked.

Aidan spat blood to the side; 'No,' he growled.

Bishop pulled a face; 'Fine,' he said and held his own cutlass at arms length, offering it to Aidan who didn't hesitate to take it from him.

It wasn't long before Bishop had disarmed him yet again. He grabbed Aidan with one arm, holding him against himself so he couldn't get free. Aidan choked and grabbed on to Bishop's arm, clawing at him to let go.

'Do you know what I'm going to do once I'm finished with you, hmm?' Bishop asked rhetorically. 'I'm going to go to your precious town and slaughter everyone you have ever loved. I'm sure you have some friends there, perhaps a wife-'

'Don't,' Aidan choked.

'No?' Bishop questioned with a smile. 'How about your friends here then? I'm sure I've made my acquaintance with a few already,' He chuckled, tightening his grip whilst Aidan frantically clawed to get free.

'No,' Aidan gasped. 'If it is me you want, take me. Not them,'

Bishop rolled his eyes and let go of Aidan, letting him fall to the floor. He walked around and crouched so he could see Aidan's face. He pondered for a moment, looking up at the sky whilst he decided.

'Well,' He growled with a smile. 'Killing you would be boring. What if I made you like me? Your family and friends would grow old and die, yes. But you would live for an eternity.'

Aidan's eyes widened as he thought about his wife Suzanna, his child and his friends all dying before him. Then again, they were dead either way. At least if Bishop turned him he could try to stop him from killing everyone he loved.

'No,' Aidan mumbled, a single tear falling from his face into the earth underneath him.

'No?' Bishop smirked.

'No!' Aidan cried, pulling himself up into a kneeling position. He looked at Bishop. 'Take me,' he sobbed.

'It's your choice, warrior.' Bishop said. With a cruel smile he fell to his knees in front of Aidan and placed a hand behind his head. Looking him in the eyes whilst his own turned black he sank his fangs into his neck. Aidan cried in agony at first but his body fell to a slump as he passed out.

Once Bishop was done he picked Aidan up and leant him against the tree, sitting opposite him until he woke.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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