- C h a p t e r 10 -

Start from the beginning

I found myself at the front of the door that led to her apartment like some lovesick puppy, yearning for the attention of his master. The first time I knocked at her door, a long string of silence answered. Where was she? I repeated the action, hopeful that a reply would follow, but it only herald a bout of silence. As I was about to knock a third time, a door opened, only it wasn't hers. Across the hall, a middle-aged woman stuck her head out to see me, her wandering eyes appraising my form before giving me a look of approval.

"Good evening," I greeted, much to my disappointment, though I hid it behind a smile.

"If you're looking for that Adey lady, she's not around. She went to the hospital." It took all within me to remain calm at her first words but when she came around to the latter my face all but paled.

Hospital? She's not sick, is she? She showed no signs of illness when I last saw her. Then again, who could diagnose a person just by looking at them? Damn, I'm an idiot! I descended the stairs with a renewed resolve before returning to my car. God, please let her be ok. 

I pulled away from the curb with a vengeance, trying to manage a modest speed. In actual truth, raced to the hospital. Once I was safely inside, I parked my car in one of the available parking near the maternity ward. Shortly, after I found the desk clerk, riddling her with question after question. I was frantic.

"I am looking for Ms. Adaramola John!" I rushed as my heart nearly shattered within my chest.

"Are you a family member, sir?" The attendant asked while she seemed pleased at the sight of me.

"I'm her fiancé!" I replied, shattering any suggestive thoughts she might have in the process.

"Cardio-Ward ten, cubicle four but first, you have to sign the register, Sir." She handed me the pen reluctantly, allowing me to do as she'd instructed before I returned the pen to her with nonchalance.

Cardio? What the heck? She had a heart problem and neglected to tell me? Ward Ten, cubicle four! Ward Ten, cubicle four! Ward Ten, cubicle four! I happened upon the room after about twenty minutes of searching but what I found inside, I didn't expect. 

There was an older man in the hospital bed but the room was vacant other than that. 

Had that attendant given me the wrong directions out of spite? If so, her superiors would be receiving a nasty letter from me. 

As I backtracked out of the room, the spilling of a liquid behind me, caught my attention and I turned to see the woman in question. But why wasn't she warded herself? Not that I was disappointed. In fact, I was actually elated that she was not wearing one of those dreary patient gowns but that still begged the question, why was she at the hospital?

Adaramola, however, was unhappy to see me. Tears stained her face and that radiant glow she'd emitted before, had all but disappeared. She appraised my form, only to reveal irritation moments later.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed, trying to cool the scolding coffee that had spilt on her hand, no doubt my fault.

"You're alright!" I nearly beamed, except I was confused by her disdained expression.

"How did you find me?" She asked with more passion.

"I believe as the saying goes, nosey neighbours." She rolled her eyes, attempting to pass me by on her way in the door to cubicle four. "Why are you here?"

"My papa ..." She began, her sweet voice thick with emotion. "He had a heart attack."

At that precise moment, I felt the dumbest I'd felt in years. 

She set the remaining cup of coffee atop the cabinet beside the bed where her father was situated before sitting in the chair and placing her head on his hand sobbing. 

Very stupid, as I witnessed the grief flash in her eyes. 

Why didn't she tell me? The man who had made her life a living hell? Who would've? 

My heart sank as I watched Adaramola pour hers out on the back of his father's palm. I made steps to comfort her but she looked up at me, removing herself from the chair and grabbing me by my collar, tugging me out of the room before closing the door behind her.

"Why are you here?" Adaramola growled, anger flowing from her like the river Nile.

I was beyond shocked. 

For one, no one had ever been so bold with me, with the exception of Krysta of course, and especially not when they stood to lose so much from the action. However, Adaramola seemed defiant, making her the only person to take such a tone, having no ties or relations with me. Her outburst had almost knocked me off balance. 

Thankfully, I could multitask well. It was so odd, but her boldness was so attractive, even though I'm sure she didn't mean for it to be so. How could one woman be so unbelievable sexy? In all my life, I had met no one like her and I understood why now. She was so unique--so rare--like a diamond found in the deepest channel of a volcano, covered in filth as the cone brought fort fiery rock.

"I came to see you," I confessed, not sure what to expect of her at this point.

"Don't hold your breath, Niccolo." She said as though, exhaling hers for the first time. "I can't deal with you right now as I would hope you could imagine."

 She turned, placing her hand on the doorknob to return to the room.

"I will take care of everything, Ada." I pleaded, not knowing what to do at this point.

"Go away," She turned the doorknob before I caught her hand, trapping her out in the hall with me. She turned, startling me as she began beating upon my chest, probably trying to deter me.

"I will ensure your father gets the best care." I held her wrists to stop her from hitting me again.

"I can't be in any more debt to you, Niccolo." She said, faintly into my chest that I was almost unable to hear it. "To everything, there is a cost."

"This will cost nothing," I replied, Ada tilted her head so that she could meet my gaze and I couldn't resist the profound urge that befell me just then to wipe away her tears, so I didn't. I wiped under her eyes and along her cheeks before my thumb came to rest on her chin. "Just let me love you in return."

She looked up at me almost searching to see my intent. I couldn't deny how beautiful she was as I gazed down into her beautiful brown eyes. I had clearly misjudged her as Krysta had so rightfully pointed out before. She did care about someone other than herself. She was willing to resist my help to ensure her freedom but I was almost certain that she would accept my offer taking into consideration how much she cared about and love her father. Love is a bargain. I just wanted her in return. Mi Bella. Please God let her say yes.

"Please do me the honour of being Mrs. Niccolo Casimiro," I said with probably more sincerity than I'd done or said anything in my entire life. I wanted this so much. My words made her chuckle for the first time and my heart nearly bled with joy.

"Yes, I-" The words had left her mouth shortly before I captured her lips, stealing another kiss from her like a starved dog. God alone knows. Her stillness became rich with passion, making me smile into the kiss. It was then I knew I was in danger of falling in love with her, even when there had been umpteen signs before. I just wish that in time she would learn to love me back as well.

*END of Chapter Ten*



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Mi Bella - My Beauty

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