Part 6 - Cuts and Bruises

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Ugh. Anyways, your the cool kid.

You woke up unaware of your surroundings as you see John to the side of you crying and your bro with his normal strider poker face, but he's your bro, you can tell he's worried, maybe a little bit angry. He probably was in the middle of making porn with Jake on the internet but whatever.

John looked up at you wiping his eyes when he notices you move. He then proceeded to jump and hug you.

You let out a groan of pain while your bro smirks at you clearly thinking that John was your boyfriend. Which he wasn't yet, but he surly will be.

You push John away weakly before shifting to sit up to take notice of your surroundings. You hear John gasp and you look at him, just now noticing everything seemed brighter.

Shit. We're are my shades?!
You look at your bro to help and he chuckles and leaves the room and you facepalm, mostly to hide the fact your eyes are scarlet.

John giggles again which you think his cute but then he starts to take your hands down from your face, you decide to open your eyes.

He then leans down and kisses you.
"Stop hiding your eyes Dave, I love them and you should to, red is your favorite color isn't it? It's mine anyways." John sates. You sigh clearly defeated.

John gets up and kisses you forehead before exiting to use the bathroom you guess.

You look around.
You see an IV pump next to your left and a heart monitor to your right.
Looks like I'm in a hospital.

You then look at your body condition. You have a badass scar down your neck and a bruise on your lip as you noticed from simply feeling around.

At the door stood your bro, along with Jake his boyfriend, and the doctor who the started to explain to your Bro about how you could go home now or anytime.

Your smirked as the doctor came to take he pumps out of your arm and bandage you up.

Hopping up you patted Dirk and Jakes backs in sequence and the proceeded stride out the door and into the long hallways to find John as you grabbed your shades from bro.

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