Chapter 7: Reckless Hearts

Start from the beginning

Merlin smiled, and that was the most beautiful thing that Arthur had ever seen. It was a smile that said nothing, and everything. It was just for him. Arthur would hold on to that smile through every trial he would ever face. He would take it with him in his heart and use it for strength. Through everything, against everything, it would be the chance to see Merlin's smile that would keep him going. When those sweet lips parted and Merlin nodded, he was completely and irrevocably in love.

So Arthur quickly claimed Merlin's lips before the other could change his mind. He never did anything half-way and so he tangled their tongues and moved until he was fully covering Merlin's slim form. For so long he'd wanted that nod. "Don't ever scare me like that again." He commanded and kissed again... and again... and a third time for good measure. "Don't ever leave me."

"Yes, my lord." Merlin rasped between kisses. The third time Merlin felt as though his senses were swirling around him like wildfire. He was thoroughly caught and drowning in the pleasure of Arthur's light. The fourth time he really needed air and nudged away his lover's lips with an exasperated laugh. "Slow down... Arthur, please. " He whispered as he ran his fingers up and down the Prince's neck. "I need to tell you something."

Arthur kissed him a fifth time and for a moment Merlin thought that he wouldn't listen to his request until they stared at each other and Arthur sighed. "Tell me what?" He was resting on his forearms, his larger frame lifted just a little bit off of Merlin's chest and his eyes were intense. Since he had to catch his breath too, he was willing to hear what Merlin had to say.

"I need to tell you something and I need you to take it seriously before we go any farther." Merlin pleaded. "I can't do this without you knowing."

"Knowing what?" Arthur smiled as he gazed hungrily at those lips. He would devour them thoroughly before the day was over and after they dealt with the menace below the Camelot. They were /his/, he nipped at Merlin's jaw playfully and pouted as he was swatted away.

"Why Samuel is after me, specifically. Stop that—listen!" Merlin held Arthur's cheek gently with his one free hand. The other was trapped under Arthur.

"He needed to become corporeal and he was draining you for your life source. I get that." Arthur smiled. "And you have magic, so of course he wanted to drain you."

Merlin sputtered in shock. "H—h—how did you know?"

"Really, Merlin you can be such an idiot sometimes." Arthur grinned at him. "I knew a long time ago, I've just been waiting for you to trust me enough ... to love me enough ... to tell me."

"I was careful!" Merlin protested, flushing deeply.

"Hah!" Arthur scoffed, he wasn't as oblivious as people thought he was. "There were so many times that you were really not and I had to pretend I didn't notice. I know you're not evil, Merlin and of course I won't tell my father. Now, can we get on with the kissing?"

"But I don't want to come between you!" Merlin protested weakly.

"You already have, Merlin." Arthur rained a few nibbles up Merlin's jaw and Merlin gave out a little whimper. "Magic has always been between me and my father and it probably always will be. He'll get over you but you must trust me. I will protect you from him. I promise you and when I am King, Magic will be back in the land."

"Do you swear it?"

"On my mother," Arthur promised softly as he claimed a sixth kiss. "I want all of you, Merlin. I don't care that you have Magic."

The seventh kiss was Merlin's turn. When they first started doing this Merlin had made a small mark on Arthur's lower lip. It had begun to heal and wouldn't leave a scar. He craned his neck slightly and kissed that spot softly and delighted in the way his lover's lips parted. He decided to play a little more with that luscious lower lip and encourage Arthur to keep up with this kind of attention. Kissing Arthur was like tasting a dream and having it all at once. This time, he wouldn't leave a mark... not a physical one, anyway or a magical one. Once he was done with Arthur's lower lip, his Prince wouldn't be able to take pleasure from anyone else touching him there. Of that, Merlin was certain.

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