Chapter 11

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!-!-!-!-Niall's POV-!-!-!-!

No they didn't do that to her. Who is willing to hurt someone so innocent so.... loving?

Whoever hurt is going to be very close to my fist. I seriously don't know why I'm still with Lessly. She's a bichy slut. "It's not like she didn't deserve it, she was a pain in the ass." Lessly said.

Now I really was going to punch someone.

"Shut up! Didn't you pay any attention? She was raped!! Raped, do you know what that feels like? No. Because your to busy with a dick up your ass to actually care about other people. You know what? Get out. I never want to see you again. We're over."

"Niall, you don't really meant any of that didn't you? Of course not, now let's leave this bitch-" "Get out before I kick you out." I was absolutely disgusted by her. She huffed and left the tour bus. Everyone was staring at me, their stare burning holes in my back.

"I'm going to talk to Anyi." I said. I got up and headed to her booth. As I got to the one she was suppose to stay, I didn't see anyone. Weird.

I literally walked through the whole bus and no Anyella to be found. Think Niall, where would she be?

As I walking back to the main room/entrance, I noticed the bathroom door closed, but the light turned on. She's probably in there. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Anyella, you in there? Are you okay? Can you please open the door?" No response. "C'mon Anyi I know your in there open up." Still no response. I swear she can be so difficult at times.

I went to the front of the bus ignoring all the stares once again, and asked the bus driver for the key of the bathroom. I waited impatiently for him to give me the key. He gave it to me and I made a bee-line straight for the bathroom.

I opened the door expecting to see a heartbroken Anyella, but was greeted by a life-less body passed out on the bathroom floor.

"ANYELLA!!" I yelled.

I looked at her body, seeing a pool of blood surrounding her wrist, that had also had blood oozing out of them, she cut herself. She looked pale and lifeless. I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. The lads were the first to get there, right behind them, the girls. They stared at her limp body on the floor, the girls started crying, hugging each other as they stared at her body.

"What happened!? She promised not to do it again." Brenda screamed. "Someone tell the bus driver to take us to the hospital, now." yelled Amanda. Liam ran to the front of the bus and told the bus driver to head to the closest hospital.

I can't believe she did this to herself. Why would you do it Anyi? It's not wort it. I just want to get get to the hospital already.

"We're here.." Liam said. I picked her quickly and ran to the inside of the hospital not even waiting for the others. I don't want to loose before I tell everything.

"SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE" I yelled, as I entered the inside of the hospital. Everyone looked at me then at Anyella, quickly forgetting about me.

2 nurses and a doctor rushed to my side and took Anyella from me. I was walking with them, I didn't want to let her go, but one of the nurses stopped me from going any further. "I'm sorry sir, but you need to let them do their work."

I just hope she'll make it...

I'm so so so sorry for not updating for a long ass time, but here's an update. I know it's lame, but I hope you enjoy it :)

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