Chapter 22: Swashbuckled

Start from the beginning

Turns out Dave is a pretty good runner. Definitely faster than you'd think. He's not much of an optimist though. "This isn't going to work," he said, without breathing heavy at all.

"Yes it will. You two just have to gird up your loins." I pointed at Craig. "You. Go back and distract Madison while Dave and I ..."

"How?" Craig asked.

"Just don't be honest," I said, but then my occasional brilliance kicked in. "Or no," I told him. "Be honest, but be honest with her about Jacob. Tell her you want to talk to her about it privately because you care about her as a friend."

I knew Craig could do that. He has a way of making you see the way things really are without making you feel like an idiot for not ever noticing on your own. Meanwhile, I'd give Dave a pep talk. Lightning crackled in the distance. I pulled at Dave's sleeve. "C'mon, let's get a soda."

We walked to the cabana building, far enough away so Madison couldn't hear us if I had to get a little loud. I planted my feet and was about to issue a set of orders when Dave reminded me that the soda machine was on the other side. Oh. Right. I unplanted, circled to the back of the building, planted again, then put my hands on my hips to show I meant business. I waited for Dave to follow.

And waited. Where was that boy? I trotted around the corner and found him strolling along. "Sheesh, Dave, hurry." He picked up the pace then, but still. "Where'd you go?" I asked, when he finally made it back.

"I thought you said you wanted a soda."


"I didn't have any quarters."

I know I've asked this before but really, what is it about me that makes boys turn stupid in my presence? I started to speak but when I looked at Dave, my mouth suddenly felt dry. I took his coins and fed them into the machine. When one rolled through to the change return, I turned to ask if he had another one I could try.

He was so close.

My eyes were level with his neck and I noticed the hair that grew there, a mix of downy fuzz and short, stiff sprouts. I remember wondering when Dave had started shaving, and when he'd grown so much taller than me. I looked up to gauge the difference in our heights and bumped my nose on his jaw. The stubble raked my cheek as he leaned even closer.

Dave's hands moved to my shoulders. His thumbs circled the bare skin there. His body closed the space between us, fitting almost snug against mine. He stopped then, and I knew what he was waiting for.

I lifted my face to his and saw him smile just before I closed my eyes. And then he kissed me.

I kept my eyes shut after, as if I could block out the rest of the world that way. We stood locked together, with my mind and my mouth tingling, my heart thump-thumping against his. I felt the vibration of his words as much as heard them when he spoke. "Was that swashbuckling enough for you?" Dave whispered.

Note to Self: You have a boyfriend. You should not let other boys kiss you.

A good girlfriend would have pushed him away, but alas, that's still not me.

Further Notes to Self: Even if you let other boys kiss you, they should not be boys you are trying to fix up with your best friend.

Instead of pushing him away, I pulled him closer.

Further, Further Notes to Self: Even if you let boys you are trying to fix up with your best friend kiss you, they should not be Dave Brown.

Then I slinked my hand between us so I could touch the silk and sandpaper of his neck. "I don't know," I told him. "Maybe we should try that again?"

And we did.


I'm not sure how I got home. I know the rain came. There was lightning and there were words called out between thunder claps. I couldn't tell you what they were. The whole time it seemed like I was in a dream. I was still not sure any of it was real. The only person to check with was Dave. And I couldn't do that.

11:47 PM Bonus Term of the Day: Affect - To touch, feel or move.

I have a boyfriend. A perfectly terrific one who has never done anything to deserve his girlfriend kissing another boy, a boy who is a friend of his, and affecting more in those three kisses than in any kiss that ever came before.

Things I Love:

Dave Brown?

Things I Hate:

Dave Brown?


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