With a cheerful smile, she said, "Hello Cutie Patootie." She winked.

"Hello Silly Pie." He got up and moving closer to Diana, wrapped his arms around her.

"So, how are you?" Diana asked with a smirk playing on her face.

"Fine. Sit." He moved in and they made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Sharman sir, you are looking good in Dhoti Kurta and Rahul, you... Hmm.. black as always?" Diana nodded sideways.

"Thanks. So..."

Tring! Tring!

Sharman looked at his phone and said, "Please excuse me for a minute."

He got up and left the scene.

Rahul smiled and looked at Diana.

"So, how have you been?" Diana said.

"Good. Good. How have you been?"

"Ah! Happy and just happy, all the time." She said with a closed-lip smile.


"You didn't come to Reena's movie premiere. Why so?"

Reena was Rahul's sister.

"Oh, was slightly occupied."

"Is it? Oh! I was starting to believe the media gossips."

Rahul smiled while looking away.

"You can smile at it, but that isn't funny." She wasn't smiling and looked at him. "Journalists were calling me names for doing an item song in your sister's movie and according to them you skipped the premiere because of me."

Rahul faced Diana but was tight-lipped.

"But anyways," she said with a broad smile on my face. "Read the script?"


"Okay, please. Before we go ahead with this project, let's make a deal. We won't talk about the past and we will keep our relation extremely professional. Okay?"

Rahul smiled and said, "Cool."



"So, stop acting formally. From now, till the end of the promotions of the movie, give me back the stupid, a*sole, cutie patootie Rahul whom I have acted with, in the past." She folded her hands in front of Rahul, winked, and a 'muah' escaped her lips.

"Umm..." He raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay."

"Naah. I don't believe you. Prove it to me." Diana said while sitting back on the couch.

"Sorry. Had an urgent phone call to make." Sharman returned and sat on the couch. "So, where were we?"

"Sir, you were on a call," Rahul said with a smile.

"Haha. Good one. I think..."

"Sir, we are actors, and you are the one who thinks. We have faith in you. So, I think it is done." Turning towards Diana, he said, "Can I buy you a coffee?"

Diana chuckled and said, "Sure."

"Amazing." He got up and while facing Sharman, he said, "Okay bye sir. Thank you."

"Wh... What thank you? What bye? You two can have coffee here even." Sharman said while staring at Rahul.

"I agree sir, but there is nothing to talk about. You will tell us the story and the intensity. We will keep listening to you for hours and hours and finally say yes. So, to make the process simple here is my yes. YES!" He placed his hand in front of Diana and asked her, "Your 'Yes' please."

"Umm... Yeah. I think I am cool with the script. So, yes." Diana said while trying hard to suppress her laughter.

"So, here it is! Let's end this by thanking one another. Sir, thank you for helping me connect with my friend. And you..." He looked at Diana with a jerk and while shaking his head constantly, he said, "Can... I... buy... you... a... coffee?"

Diana smiled again and said, "Yes, please." She got up, and they started leaving.

Sharman kept looking at Rahul's slow motion dance with an open mouth.


My favorite moment is where Diana enters the scene :P

That entry is playing on my mind since the last two days. :/

Do share your thoughts :D

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