Part 2: Juliette: Chapter 1: Investigations and FEDs

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As I stood outside the door of Sharon Port, I rehearsed my lines over and over again. I looked over to my brother, Oliver, giving him a worried glance. He knocked on the door after he straightened his tie.

“Agent Harry Fisher, ma’am.” Oliver introduced when Sharon opened the door, “This is my partner, Agent Ellen Styles.”

We displayed our false FBI badges, expressionless.

“Come in, come in!” she greeted.

I shifted in my itchy wool dress. My feet ached from the black glossy five-inch heels. The nude pantyhose rubbed me the wrong way. I longed to be in my favorite work boots with jeans and one of many worn-in tee shirts. Oliver was behaving similarly.

“What do you need, agents?” Sharon asked as she brought out a plate of crackers and cheese.

“We are investigating the disappearance of your daughter, Rebecca.” I responded, “Would you mind answering a few questions for us?”

“Anything to get my little girl back.” Sharon replied.

"Before her disappearance, was she acting strangely?" Oliver questioned.

"Yes." Sharon responded, "She was anxious all the time, and she kept going on and on about her imaginary friend."

"Isn't she sixteen?" I asked her.

"That's what I kept telling her." she responded, "but she wouldn't listen to me!"

"What did she tell you about this...imaginary friend of hers?" Oliver asked.

"Well, she called her Melody."

Of course, I thought, she must have taken Becca's form! That sneaky brat!

"She had conversations with her, but it sounded like she was talking to herself."

"Did you overhear any of these conversations?"

“Yes I have,” Sharon answered, “but it was mostly gibberish. I could make out a few key terms, though.”

“Such as?” I asked.

Sharon was silent, pursing her lips. She drummed her fingertips on the armrest of the embroidered couch. Her breath gradually steadied.

“Soul, Apocalypse, sworn...”

“In what context was Sworn used?” Oliver questioned.

“It was used as a noun.” Sharon answered, fearful, “It must be some sort of...cult.”

“Well, not exactly, miss.” I responded, “We have run into a case like this before, and the Sworn isn’t the name of the group itself but the name of their leaders.”


“The two men they serve, like lords.” Oliver continued.

“So, gang activity, perhaps?” Sharon speculated.

I couldn’t help it. I burst into a chuckling mess. I mean, the Leviacs, a gang? It was hysterical. I stopped laughing when I saw her serious expression.

“Oh wait.” I said, surprised, “You’re serious? Actually, they are more like...a religious order than a gang.”

“So, my daughter has been kidnapped by a religious cult?”

“Not just kidnapped, miss.” Oliver corrected, “They most likely killed her too. My condolences.”

“Agent!” I scolded for Sharon, “We don’t know that for sure!”

In actuality, we did know for certain that Becca was dead. I was just not the one to blurt it out to people. It’s rude.

“Well, if I know the Leviacs, I’d say they killed her already as a sacrifice.” Oliver continued, blunt.

“You two aren’t FEDs, are you?”

Oliver and I shared a glance, and we ran out the door as fast as we could in those restricting office clothes. I definitely don’t want to work in an office.

I ran out into the woods, Oliver trailing close behind. We ran straight ahead until we saw our cottage in the distance. The chimney had smoke cascading into the sky like grey curls. The wood was unfinished, and it was falling apart. I couldn’t care less.

“Welcome back, kids!” Aunt Xanthe greeted, “How are my big, fuddy-duddy FEDs?”

“Uncomfortable!” Oliver and I exclaimed in unison.

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