Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"COMPLICATING?" He snaps down at me. "I'm trying to get my sister back! Or does nobody else care about that?!"

"Harry you have me!" I clench my jaw for a moment. "Or is that not enough?! You need to put everyone in danger, is that it? Trying to pawn off the attention?!"

"Harry, Sirina. Enough!" Sirius says with a tone of authority, but Harry ignores him. His eyes glued to me.

"You think I want you in danger?!" He snaps. "If people knew, I would be able to protect you without anyone getting suspicious!"

"I wouldn't need to be protected!"  I squeak, my voice several octives higher than it should be.


"I'm done living in hiding. I'm going to go on and live. As Rose." I state, trying to calm my voice.

"Why can't you as Sirina?"

"Are you living a normal life, Harry?" My teeth grit together. "Just let me be."

"Why don't you understand that I can't?!" He grabs my arms, practically lifting me off of my chair.

"Harry stop!" I squeak.

"No, Sirina!"

"Harry this isn't you." I clench my eyes shut.

"What does that mean?!"

"V-v-voldemort...he's angry..." I breath out, one-hundred percent sure that my arms were bruising under my brothers hands. "Harry, please."

"I just want you to be here with me!"

"No! Voldemort wants you with him!" I manage. "Harry you're hurting me!"

His hands release instantly as something switches in his eyes.  He doesn't look at me. "Just go." He snaps. "Go play with life threatening dragons. Because they're more worth your life than I am."


"Harry that's enough." Sirius snaps.

He glares at each person in the room before storming out.  I wait until hearing another door, his bedroom, slam shut; then run out as well, straight to my room to pack my things.

Someone knocks at my door. "I'm fine. Just go." I answer stubbornly, but the door opens anyway. Sirius comes and holds me.

"He'll come around..." He says in an attempt to console me.

"It's not him." I whisper. "I can tell when I have a Harry emotion, or a Voldemort emotion." I swallow. "Harry wasn't being himself."

Sirius holds me against him. I'd never been held or hugged like this. Like a parent comforting a child. I felt safe and connected.

Then guilty as he pulled away. Guilty that I hadn't stayed here all year. Guilty that I wasn't treating him like I should a father. Guilty that I was leaving again.

Guilty because I wished he was James.

"I've got to go back downstairs to help Molly clean up." He says. "You'll be alright, stay safe in Romania, and write me while at Hogwarts."

"Of course." I nod, forcing myself to smile. I close my eyes as Sirius kisses my forehead. He turns away and leaves the room. Leaving me guilty still, wishing he never had to leave.

Not caring, I packed my trunk with a flick of my wand. Nothing folded correctly or went in at all neatly, but it was in. I wish Fred and George were in here helping me shut my bags. Like we did before start of school. When things were light, airy feeling, and relatively simple.

Who am I kidding? Nothing in my life is simple. At all. Ever. Nothing about the Weasley's is simple. Nothing is simple.

Another knock at the door. "Just go. Please."

"Can't do that, love." Charlie states, peaking cautiously into the room. "Are you ready?"

I nod. He grabs my bags in one hand, and my hand in his other. We apparate to his home in Romania. The small, warm, comfortable little home.

"Are you okay?" He asks tentatively.

"I'm fine," I assure him. "Just, never mind... Yea, I'm fine."

Charlie nods, facing the sink with his back to me. He hasn't made eye contact since dinner.

"Charlie, are you okay?" I ask, stepping toward him.

"Yea, just tired." He says, "I'm going up to bed, don't stay up too late... I'll see you in the morning." He walks past me and up the stairs. "And Sirina, ice your arms... They look a bit puffy.."

Clenching my jaw I pull a couple of cool packs from the freezer of his little fridge.  I lounged back of the sofa with the cold packs on my arms, burning my skin, but I didn't care. Tonight was rough enough, the slight freezer burn on my skin is nothing compared.

I wasn't angry at Harry, I only hoped when he came to he would be able to forgive himself. I was, however, slightly angry at Charlie for completely ignoring me and being awkward. And at myself, though I wasn't sure the source. Perhaps because I didn't properly say goodbye to anyone... Or because I had probably made everyone feel bad for storming out.

And mostly. I missed my best friends. The two people who never made me feel bad and always safe, Fred and George. I think they've stopped talking to be because I've gotten closer with the others, but I still need them. Even if I am supposed to be mad at them.

I'll write them in the morning. For now, my bed awaits, and my arms are screaming for warmth.


Sorry this chap is a lot shorter than my other ones. I just really wanted to move on, please don't hate me. Hopefully I'll have another chapter to post EXTREMELY soon after this one.((I write chapters in advance, and don't know where I'll be by the time I publish this one))

Thank you to everyone who reads! And I am so happy that some of you are getting more active with votes and comments. Keep 'em coming! And please, share with friends :)

I love you all xx

AN pt2:
It's 5/30 around midnight(I'm posting right now). I have had exams and things lately and took a break from writing and all other forms of Harry Potter related social media. It's been hard, believe me.
I haven't forgotten about you guys or Sirina.
Jk there's more:
(5/31) It was way too short and I ended too abruptly. So I added more. Also, if like to warn you that I'm running low on preprinted chapters and don't really have a lot of writing time, so updates will probably be spread out a bit... I'm sorry :(
I think I might put the date and a small note at the bottom of each Chap now yay
I love you all, xoxo

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