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The crack of the gunshot was a horrid intrusion of the peace. Baby saw as Sam's head dropped below.

"Dean?" He muttered silently.

"You okay?" Dean's gruff voice returned.


"Then shut up and stay down."

A few more minutes passed and the car door swung open.

"Boys." John Winchester a man Baby often saw in her visions stood over the boys. "Help me with the body."

"Yes sir." Dean grunted sitting up and already halfway out the door. The boys appeared to be younger than what they would be now,teenagers maybe young adults at the most. Sam huffed in the back seat.

"Asshole. 'Help me with the body'." Sam mocked running a large hand through neatly brushed brown hair. "I'm tired of this I want to be a lawyer." He sighed as suddenly there was a loud tapping on the window. John squinted inside the car as he rapped his knuckles on the glass.

"We don't have all day,boy,get your ass out here." John always appeared so mean, to Baby, but she had also seen things that Sam hadn't. How he cried while they were sleeping,how he salvaged pictures of young happy baby Sam. John loved Sam and he had no idea. He just didn't know how to say it.

Sam cursed kicking the seat and standing out of the car slamming it behind him. Through the glass Baby could see them fighting,John's face all red spitting flying from his mouth. A creaky door was open and air rushed in, she felt an actual chill inside her making goosebumps rise.

It was Dean who had opened the door. He heaved a large black plastic bag into the car and suddenly pulled out alarmed.

"Dad! Stop! Please,stop!" He yelled running to the scene that was concealed enough by the car she couldn't see but baby was sure that was where John and Sam were.

"Stop. Please don't do this...."

"Stop please don't do this,please." Sam pleaded with large watery and weak green eyes. This surely was Sam but not the Sam she knew. Perhaps he was possessed she had seen possessions before in her visions.

His girl howled in fear but he stood in front of her,her manicured nails digging deep into the muscle of his shoulder,drawing small beads of blood she doubted he even felt in the heat of the moment.

"I'll do anything,I'll help you find Dean,please just don't do this." He begged pathetically tears streaming down his face like races horses down a track. Baby stared at him as he said all this with disgust how could Sam have become so weak. Shrugging without a another word she lifted the gun back towards his body and shot three times in the chest.

His girl screamed in pure horror and fear,tearing herself away from him and running,bare feet slipping over the hard wood. Sam laid motionless on the floor, his staff around him staring in disbelief. Nothing happened, and baby grinned.

A sick twisted grin too evil for a small innocent looking girl who didn't even remember her own mother. Walking up to the body,boots and jacket clinking all about she grabbed underneath his large arms and dragged him out of the house which was a lot easier said than done.

Sam woke with a groan,his head was pounding and his chest was on fire. Suddenly everything that had happened came back to him and he shot up ignoring the sharp slice of pain in his abdomen. He looked around frantically realizing he was in some sort of musty hotel room. The lighting was dim but he could make out a bed one old VHS television set, plus awful peeling rose wallpaper. The figure of a girl, stood before his view.

BABY property of Dean WinchesterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz