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Baby fiddled nervously with the dress that someone from the hospital had given to her. It was a flowy summer dress dotted with pink and yellow flowers. She felt ridiculous in it but decided that it was much better than the hospital gown which was considerably cold down in the back door area.

Jay, her supposed boyfriend, burst through the doors of the small white hospital room a grin wide on his face. Jay was more handsome than his photo over the computer,smile brighter,skin darker and smoother like dark chocolate and wore glasses frames wide as if large windows for his eyes to peek through.

He was so tall it was intimidating and he embraced her in a surprisingly gentle embrace.

"Char. Oh Char,where have you been hiding?" He cried actual tears dropping into her flowery dress. She hugged him back almost limply, the cologne was so foreign. How could she have forgotten this man who seemed to love her so much. Jay pulled away and looked at her eyes,one large soft hand cradling her cheek. "Three years..."

"Dad." A small voice piped and a small boy tugged at Jay's hem of his shirt. The little boy had creamy tan skin and light milk chocolate curly hair so long it bounced just above his eyelashes.

"B.J. It's mommy,look." Jay grinned picking him up easily and lifting him up to see Baby. She was sad to say she didn't even recognize her own son. Jay saw this and frowned.

"It's okay." He chewed his large lower lip nervously and put a finger up in thought as if remembering a memory long lost. "Hey,I brought pictures. You know, to help you remember."

She nodded quietly smiling at B.J. Distantly he stared at her unknowingly like how she felt,like she was an imposter.

"Not here." Baby whispered touching his arm that held the child lightly. Jay nodded and shouldered a bag he had slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah,yeah. Your right we should get out of here. Maybe go somewhere to eat." He suggested and B.J. Nodded in agreement. Jay took her hand and led her through the hospital,checking her out and ended up at a Bergerson's restraunt across from the parking lot of their motel.

Jay had all the photos fanned out across the booth tabletop and B.J. Was grinning madly touching each one and giggling at the memories that he was too young to remember. Nothing came back to her like Jay had hoped but smirks and nodded pretending to remember things here and there just to make him feel better.

At the end of their meal they drove to the motel,B.J. Falling asleep first. Soon he was out and it was just Baby and Jay.

"It was so hard. You know,raising him alone." Jay's voice cracked as he thought of the past. "Benjamin thought that you left us, and that you didn't want him." Jay started to cry,shoulders shaking and she stared at him blankly unsure of how to react. "But we found you,I knew we would and we can be a family again." Jay responded hopefully.

Baby just sat ahead and nodded slowly and wondered that if this was her family, why did everything feel so wrong?

"Do you believe we can be a family again?" Jay asked,pulling his glasses off his nose to look her strait in the eye.

"I don't know." She whispered in response and his large dark eyes searched her pleadingly.

"You've changed,char. What happened in three years?" He wondered. The questions were ones she couldn't answer and felt like crying herself,frustrated at the lost memories. "Baby,talk to me." He pleaded and she paused frozen in place as a memory shocked it's way trough her mind.

"Baby,Talk to me!" The man baby recognized as Dean cried slamming down on what appeared to be the dashboard of a car. "Come on!"

"Dean." His brother Sam said calmly,resting a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Sam,don't." Dean grunted,shrugging the younger man's large hand off of his shoulder.

"Bobby and I were just--"

"I know." He growled. "Wondering if I'm okay. I am,Sam." Dean stepped out of a door and stood in the sunlight and baby could tell for the first time a large cut stitched closed together,stretching across his smooth forehead.

"Your not okay." Sam insisted,face cut up in many areas as well. His voice dropped and I you've and added quietly. "We all loved dad."

That was it, Dean nodded face,strait and slammed the hood of a car that was bent and crumpled beyond repair. The slam was loud enough to make Sam flinch and he looked down like a small wounded puppy.

"We're done talking." Dean ended,walking away,boots crunching loudly on the gravel. Sam stared at what baby somehow knew was a car and felt a tear slide down his face.

"I'm trying dad." He cried wiping his nose and eyes in one swipe of the back of his hand and walked in the opposite direction of his brother,leaving baby alone.

"Charlotte!" Jay yelled for probably the fifth time as she had fallen into her dreams like trance.

"What?" She responded feeling guilty for the zone-out.

"You scared me half to death,are you alright?" He asked eyes full of genuine concern. She nodded and he looked her over uncertainty. "Maybe I should call the hospital."

"No." She insisted firmly,grabbing his hand as he reached for the phone. "I'm ok." He nodded and wrapped his hand around hers. The mood changed and she was unfamiliar to the feel,hair standing up on the back of her neck.

Jay brought her closer to him as well as him leaning in. She felt her heart pound quickly in anticipation of what was happening next. He kissed her lips. His were warm and dry against hers and her stomach fluttered,not in a good way.

She pulled away awkwardly. The hurt of the rejection could easily be seen in his eyes and he let go of her hand quickly.

"I'm sorry,I just thought....you might remember..." He sighed and his reaction makings baby's heart ache with guilt for not remembering their kiss. "It's okay we'll take it slow,I understand." He smiled and stood,walking to the single bed in the room.

"Jay." She said quietly.


"Your a good man,even if I--I don't remember you." She stuttered out speech much improved since her time with him. He smiled in appreciation at her kind words and laid in the bed.

"Take your time,but when your ready there is a place for you." His offer was simple but still made her bite her lip in sadness knowing what she had to do. After he had fallen asleep she walked to him and bent down,kissing his warm cheek lightly as well as her supposed "son's"

"Thank you." She whispered and shuffled through Jay's clothes finding a long black sweater slipping it on over the dress and leaving. She didn't know if she was Charlotte or not but she did know Dean was real and had answers she was sure if it now.

BABY property of Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now