"Its fine i guess?, so how was Gandall ?" i tease her.

"Shhh! be quiet!" she shriek and blushed.

"Lets go to my place." she said and turn away.

Myla's place is a treehouse, it was nice and neat. Her little home was filled with dandelions.

She went to her kitchen, and came back with lemonade and lemon tart. Franzel giddily grab a slice of tart and started to munch her food.

"So.?" i started.

"What?" Myla said giving me an innocent look.

"Should i mention the name Gandall for you?" i half shout.

"Phyll, stop it., we went to the Reserve yesterday, you know just hang out. you know." she said and her cheeks began to taint pink. Ooh shes blushing, i can tell something happend.

"Oh, i see. so, what happened next? Did he kiss you, did he kiss you?" i grinned and her face was red.

She shot me a pointed look, and she stammered. "Y-yyeah" she murmured.

"So how was it? Is he a good kisser?" i asked. She smiled, "Yeah he is."

"You know i really like him right?" she continued."How about you?"

I chocked my lemonade and glare at her. "What about me?" i asked.

"Well, how about you tell me why you stalk the Brownies?" she grinned. "Who was that guy? Sethyl?"

My eyes bulged."Oh my gosh. How did.. How did you know?" i stuttered.

"Ha! the great dryad Phyllis has a crush." she said in a sing sang voice.

I reach her mouth and cover it with my hands. "Shsh! Stop it." i murmur.

She laughed. "I knew it.!" she exclaimed. I can feel my cheeks heat up as i drink my lemonade to cool my self up.

We avoided the subject for further blushes. And afternoon came, Franzel and I went back to the Forest.


"Hey Lotte!" I called my buddy as she polished the branches of her tree house. Sometimes I wonder how she kept her house neat even though she's been busy in Faery Circle.

Faery Circle is a school where young Faery Creatures of Winkles Nook study their magic and abilities.

Lotte and I, same with Myla still goes at Faery Circle, Its our last year in the Circle though. In the human world, its like the senior year.

Faery Circle students are composed of the Dryads,Nymphs,Eleves,Gnomes, and even Humans that lives in the Winkles Nook; while Spriggans, Dwarves, and Brownies were placed in the Alfheim Rhuins.

"Whats up Phyl."Lotte shot back. "How was your visit at the cove? Anything interesting to share?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and chuckle. "nah, just the usual." i said.

Then i heard a sound of vehicle coming, probably its Lady Gezel's car, so i excitedly jump to the trees near the road path.

I planned to jump to her car to startle her. But Franzel caught my attention and pointed at the car.

Lady Gezel had brought someone with her. And it was a girl, i can tell she somewhat my age. I hop back to my tree and burried my self to the trunk camouflaging my self.

We watched the car rode closer as it pass the Forest. For some unknown reason, the forest maybe felt that someone new enter the estate because the wind changed its course and the dried leaves dance with the wind. I was curious, but before i think of spying to Lady Gezels guest, Lotte stopped me saying it its not my business.

I shrugged. But let it go. I'll know it eventually. But I can tell that the girl was pretty, because i caught her eyes looking in the trees with awe and joy.


end of chapter two.
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*Nymphs: Are aquatic fairies.
three types of Nymphs
Nixies- Human like creatures that breath underwater and can grow wings to be able to fly.
Mermaids: Half human and has a fish tail.
Sirens- Human like creatures but cannot move above water, they are good singers.

*Brownies: they are task helpers, they are very obedient and can do any house works. They prefer going out their hollow at sunset because they prefer working in the evening.

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