The Last Dragon Child

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A/N: new story I'm working on, hope you like it.//

I walk through the dust, my sword glistening with the blood of his brothers. He cowers back in fear, limply holding up his sword. I knock it aside swiftly, step closer and kneel before him, he is the last one. I slip my helmet off and let my hair flow out and cascade around my narrow face.

"You worthless fool! You stay here on the ground shying away from a girl. Just like all your comrades, you pathetic weasel!" I shout to him, grabbing the front of his armor and pulling him up to face me. I show him the bloodied sword and his eyes widen in terror. He's afraid of me, he sees me as his killer, he knows me as Death.

I show him a twisted smile and raise my sword to cut off his head, chuckling wickedly. I suddenly stumble forward with a sharp pain. I turn to see the point of an arrow protruding out of my left shoulder. I step back and see the archer walking toward us with his arrow pointed at me

"Step away from my friend!" He yells at me

I chuckle and step back, cleaning my sword. He is a tall but strong man, he has short, blonde hair that is unbrushed and it sticks out everywhere, and his shirt ripped from recent battles. He held his head with an air of a leader and he has a sword at his side.

"What is your name, General?"

"General Jemithar del Rijin" he said, his tone filled with aggressiveness and pride.

"And you are willing to die for this man?" I asked motioning to the man behind me.

"I'm willing to kill for family."

I scoffed and sheathed my, now clean, sword.

"Alright soldier, you've saved this coward." I answer with a flip of my hair. Smirking, I break the arrow and pull it out.

"Try not to shoot a woman next time, Jemithar." I turned and walked toward the only home I knew.

"What is your name, warrior?" He called out angrily, while lifting his trembling friend.

"Sayvel of Dragonhill," I said, my right eye only visible to him; it turned to a red sphere "the last of the Dragon Child."

The Last Dragon ChildWhere stories live. Discover now