Unbelievable Sights

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"Fine we'll do this my way." She smirked before she crushed her lips to his. His lips were softer than she'd imagined... A happy sign was that he hadn't pushed her away... He wanted this.

"Eh hem. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."


Diana jumped up. "Not at all... I was just leaving." She muttered. Bruce would never speak to her again.

"Diana wait I'm sorry." Clark mumbled. "I didn't mean to interrupt you two..."

She glared at him. "I was just beginning to get him to open up to me. Your timing is impeccable Kal."

Bruce was glowering in the corner. She had kissed him and he had let her... NOT good news. "Both of you need to get out."

"You need to let someone in." She quipped back...

"GET OUT!" He yelled causing Alfred to run down the steps and sigh.

Clark flew out but Diana paused a moment contemplating on whether or not to slap him. "I hope you die a miserable old man full of regrets." She spat at him.

"I'm already old and miserable." He muttered.

She was almost out the door when she heard a crash and turned to see Alfred exiting the stairwell like he hadn't even heard it. "Miss Diana... Master Bruce could use your assistance in the cave."

What the heck was going on here? She ran back down to see Bruce sprawled on the floor face down and clutching his knee. "Bruce?! Bruce what happened?!" She asked as she ran over to him.

"My knee... It just... Caved. Ah... It really hurts." He managed between gasps of pain.

She nodded. "Okay? What can I do to help?"

"I need my brace... It's... It's in my room." He choked out.

She ran up till she found the room that was off limits to everyone... Alfred barely went in there. She carefully opened the door to see a bedroom that matched the rest of the house only it had files and equipment of various sorts strewn about and a frame that he used probably to hang upside down to sleep on. The brace was by the bed. She grabbed it and felt a buzz shoot through her. What the heck? She ignored it and ran down to Bruce. "Here it is."

He grabbed it from her but dropped it... "Sorry... It shocked me... Static electricity."

He felt it too? Wierd. "It's okay... I just want to make sure you get it on so you'll be okay."

"I'll be fine." He muttered before he grabbed it again, shifting to pull it on his leg. "Help me stand." He said gingerly as he moved to stand on the injured leg.

"Listen Bruce... I'm sorry." She muttered hanging her head.

He shrugged. "Horemones can act up when you least expect it. Just don't let it happen again. I habor no hard feelings towards you now any more than I did before." He paused. "And don't EVER touch my knees again."

She sighed and nodded. "I'll see you at the next meeting Br... Batman." She corrected before again walked up the stairs... Alfred was holding a sat. phone to his ear and whispering.... Very unusual for the old butler. Diana pushed it to the back of her mind and walked out. They both needed some space to think.

It was about four weeks till the next meeting. They pretty much met once a month. Bruce arrived silently per usual and saw Diana's jet in the hangar. More like felt it as he ran right into it. He scowled as he ducked under the aircraft and moved to the meeting room. "Superman." He greeted curtly. Deep inside he was a little upset Clark had walked in. He wanted that kiss to continue so he could say she overpowered him and that caused his control to slip. Well... He liked powerful women who could push him around when it came to their intimate lives. Diana could definitely be one of those women... He shook his head trying to get it out of the gutter. "Where is Wonder Woman?"

"Barracks last I saw her. She had a headache and went to lie down." Clark informed him as he moved away to say something to Oliver Queen AKA the Green Arrow.

Bruce sighed. Feelings or not he was still her teammate and friend. He should probably go check on her. He walked silently down the halls towards the Barracks. There had been a few times he had interrupted Hal and one of the JLA girls going fifty shades of grey on each other in the hallways and he put an end to it. Not this time.... Surprisingly Green Lantern was where he was supposed to be. Everyone but Diana was. He walked in and grimaced. She looked terrible... Those antibiotics did squat for her. "Diana..." He breathed as he pulled off his cowl. He couldn't talk right with it on and he rarely had to use his Batman voice at the watchtower. "Diana what's wrong?"

She whined as he turned her head to look at him. "Everything burns... And aches... I feel lightheaded..." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her face. "Your hands are cool."

"It's the Kevlar gloves... My whole suit has a stasis factor that allows me to always keep the correct temperature even if I should be burning up or freezing... If it's that cool then I'm burning up and don't know it thanks to the suit." He told her a little worry creeping into his voice. "Diana can I have my hand back? I want to take my glove off so I can tell how bad your fever is."

She begrudgingly released his hand back to him and began shifting. "Burning... Ah..." She whined. She needed his cool suit to press against her... In the very worst way. "Bruce get in the bed... I need you in bed... I need cool."

He jerked back. "I'll draw up an ice bath for you. I'm not getting in your bed Diana." He gently placed his bare hand against her forehead and felt the heat leave that spot. Magic... Crap. He hated magic. She needed human touch... She was right she needed him pressed against her... Well eff. (I don't curse sorry.) "Maybe your people can help you... I'll have Clark give us some time to get you to Themiscura and get you well again."

She nodded but groaned when he pulled away. This was bad. "Clark." He said running up. "Diana needs to go back to Themiscura for a while. I'm gonna take her. Excuse us from the meeting but do NOT tell anyone we left together. Ollie and Shiera keep teasing we like eachother... The last thing I need is for them to think we ran off to screw eachother."

His friend nodded. "Take care of her Bruce... We still need her... I still need her." He admitted with that country boy smile.

"Yeah I got it Kansas." He waved him off and both boys got the feeling neither Bruce nor Diana would return from that island the same as the way they left.

Bruce picked up Diana bridal style and carried her to the invisible jet and (very carefully) got her inside to start the engine. He set the coordinates and leaned back.

"Bruce? I need you... I need to be pressed against you." She mumbled looking a little ashamed at how needy she was.

He nodded. "Come here. Sit on my lap to get as much of you pressed against me as possible... But don't shift too much..." He told her with a sigh. "I really don't want to get excited over a sick woman."

She chuckled before setting herself down in his lap, purposely wiggling her hips against his for a moment. "Oops. Sorry." She teased as he clenched his jaw. She laid her head on his shoulder and felt the burn leave almost instantly. "Thank you Bruce. I'm so sorry about this."

He huffed. "No big deal. I'm sure Clark and a few of the other members would do the same for you."

"Maybe... But I'm glad it's you... I'm gonna say this now and perhaps it's the sickness making me say this but I love you Bruce... I realized it during the explosion when I thought you were gonna die... I just wish you loved me too..." She mumbled against his neck.

Bruce sat rigid in his seat... Oh boy... She was delirious. "Sleep Diana... You need to rest." It didn't take long before he too drifted off into unconsciousness. Both rudely woken by pounding on the jet door.

"Diana! Open the door we know you're here!"

The Amazonian bolted up. "Artemis?" She lowered the ramp and embraced her friend, ignoring the heat creeping back into her system. "My friend I've missed you."

"And I you. What brings you to Themiscura?" She asked looking past her, hearing the movement of Bruce in the jet. "Who did you bring?"

"Don't freak out Artemis... I brought a man... I need him here." She explained calmly as Bruce came to the entrance of the jet and took in the surroundings.

"It's even more beautiful than you described Diana..." He whispered in awe.

She smiled back at him. "I know."

Thavma Ropalo - A WonderBat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now