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Bruce huffed as he heard the door shut. Dick was back. "Did you find her?"

The young man looked away... He looked terrible... "No... I came close but didn't get her before she made it out... I lost her again."

"I'm not letting you go back out there for a while." He huffed. "I'll be in the cave if you need me."

He got into the elevator. If they didn't find this girl soon his partner was gonna go insane. These days were the ones he hated... During these hours he was neither Bruce Wayne nor Batman... He was simply... Bruce. He hated not having any type of identity when he wasn't in public or going out as the Caped Crusader. Yet what more could he do?

He set his coffee down on the computer stand and began searching for the most recent villain that had graced Gotham city with their presence.... "Bruce?" He turned to see Diana... Wonder Woman... "Hey.." She said softly, walking over to him.

Her presence caught him off guard... He wasn't Bruce or Batman and he never let anyone see this side of him except Alfred and once Selina... "Why are you here?! You know how I feel about the JLA members coming to Gotham!"

"You told me once I could come here." She told him, her arms crossed lightly.

He sighed. "That I did... Forgive me... You caught me off my guard..." She smiled at the man in front of her... He wasn't in the suit she usually saw him in when he wasn't in uniform instead he was in slacks and a loose tshirt. "Did you need something Diana?" He noticed that she was favouring her right side. "Haven't your wounds from the explosion healed yet?"

She shrugged. "Not yet." She said, coming over and looking at his computers. "Found anything?" she asked.

He shook his head... The close proximity of their bodies was distracting... "No but I just started looking..." He kept glancing at her, in doing so he saw the bandages indenting her shirt. "Let me take a look at those wounds... You heal faster than this so there must be something wrong." He stated calmly, guiding her gently to an examination table he used for evidence.

"I'm fine!" She argued.

He gently peeled back the uniform to see the wounds. "Diana these are infected... I need to treat them... I need you to take off your uniform... The peroxide won't work through the material." He said with all seriousness... He was a professional... She knew that... He just so happened to also think she was very very beautiful... He hoped she didn't know that...

"Fine..." she growled and sat up, peeling her shirt back and off.

He silently sucked in a breath... She was gorgeous... Every inch of her... He tore his eyes away and found the peroxide that Alfred kept in the cave for when he came home injured... Almost every single night... Diana lay there, watching the muscles of his back flex underneath his shirt, he looked so strong and capable. He turned back to her and caught her eyes on him. His playboy identity took over. "Like what you see Princess?" He asked the signature Bruce Wayne smirk coming over his features...

She smirked back, and shifted on her elbow. "Very much." She answered honestly.

Well that took him by surprise but he quickly contained it. "I aim to please... This will sting a little, even with your dampened sense of pain." He stated a whole new persona Diana had never seen before took over him as he set to work cleaning her wounds... His hands gentle, almost caressing her skin.

She hissed, and tensed as the peroxcide made contact with her skin. "Ow." She said through gritted teeth. What surprised him was the fact that these wounds hadn't even closed properly yet.

"You can hold onto my shoulder if that makes it easier... These must've been made with chemicals and that's why it's not healing..." He mused, his gaze focused. What she didn't realize was that on the inside he was seething. He needed to find the man responsible for her injuries and gut them. She gripped his shoulder lightly, and both felt a buzz by the contact.  He gulped and continued working... "There... Cleaned out and stitched up. I need to get some bandages for these wounds." He said hoping to relieve the feeling by walking away.

She sat up, pulling her shirt back on. "Do you have any antibodics for this fever?" She asked as she lifted her arms.

He shrugged. "Maybe... Alfred may have stashed some around here somewhere..." He began to walk away when she noticed a slight limp in his gait.

"Bruce, what's wrong with your leg?" She asked, getting up and following behind him.

He waved it off. "I'm an old fighter... My knees hurt every now and again... It's no big deal..."

"What makes you limp?" She demanded, coming up behind him, her tone overiding his.

"I told you... My knees hurt... They give out on me occasionally and I limp until they regain their strength... They'll swell a little but nothing major... Diana I'm fine."

"let me see." She said, using her strength to push him into a chair.

He fell back with an 'oomph' and sighed. "Diana really... It's nothing." He didn't like people near his knees... Especially not women he was fighting his attraction over... They were sensitive to him and he was never able to keep his hard earned composure when people touched his knees.

Diana pulled up his pant legs and gasped at the sight, long scars went down the right one. "Bruce..."

He clenched every muscle in his body. "Diana... It's an old wound from when I trained under Rhas Al Guhl..." His knees were swollen and needed a good rub down of that she was sure... No argument. She reached behind her and grabbed a bottle of lotion, squeezing some on her hands before she began to rub it into his skin.

Bruce gripped the arms of the chair in a death grip. "Diana..." She looked up at him, his face tight, and his eyes closed, why did he look so distressed? She was rubbing lotion on his knees for Hera's sake! He bit his lip and let his head fall back... "Please st-stop... Oh..." He said his voice trailing into a suppressed moan that slipped past his lips.

"Bruce?" She asked as it dawned on her. "Bruce am I making you uncomfortable?"

He nodded. "Stop Diana..."

"Bruce... I didn't know... You... Like it?" She asked getting the picture... His knees were sensitive as in his pants would tent if she kept rubbing.

(Author note: I am a Christian so I will IMPLY but I won't actually write anything dirty... So if you're looking for stuff that would be in Fifty Shades of Grey please look elsewhere. Anyway back to the story... -Jasmine)

"Yes and no... It feels nice but I can't let you do this Diana..." He mumbled through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw.

She pulled her hands away and moved to sit on his lap. "Bruce... Why deny yourself? Why do you always push away something that could be good for you?" She whispered as he began lowering her head towards his. "Kiss me Bruce."

He wouldn't... He couldn't! She was his teammate! He couldn't blur those lines. "No."

"Fine we'll do this my way." She smirked before she crushed her lips to his. His lips were softer than she'd imagined... A happy sign was that he hadn't pushed her away... He wanted this.

"Eh hem. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."


Thavma Ropalo - A WonderBat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now