Trinity nervously laughed, "Do you like photography?"

Julian cocked his head, looking her evenly in the eye. "I guess. The class is fun; my pictures don't come out too badly. It's a decent way to pass time, you know? But I wouldn't exactly say it's a passion of mine."

Trinity raised an eyebrow. "Well, than, what would you consider a passion of yours?"

He glanced away from her then, "I don't know."

"My passion is dancing," she blurted out. "Uh, I dance a lot. Well, I used to before... yeah." She let her sentence trail off, not feeling eager to let her secret slip to this guy. This guy who was almost a complete stranger, no matter how cute he was, or how adorable she found his dimples or beautiful she found his eyes.

Speaking of eyes, their eyes met and some sort of understanding flashed between them. They both knew that the other person had something going on, but neither of them was really comfortable speaking about it.

Julian smiled, showing off his dimples. "You know, we spent a lot of time yesterday talking about music. Since we're both up, and both here, want to go over some of the stuff we didn't cover?"

Trinity was surprised. She didn't think he would care about tutoring, but she liked that he was serious about it. She didn't want to be wasting what little time she had left on a careless jerk.

"Yeah, I've got my books here, we can start with history." She tore through her bag and pulled out their history worksheets. "Oh, do you mind if I unhook my headphones? We can listen to music while we study."

Julian just shrugged, "Nah, I don't care. Go for it."

Trinity immediately took her headphones out of their jack, slightly blushing when she realized what song was now blasting.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly as she went to change it. However he grabbed her hand before she could.

"Wait, I like this song."

Trinity was surprised. "Seriously?"

Julian laughed, "Yeah! Kansas is great, and Carry On Wayward Son is a classic. Plus, its practically Supernatural's theme song and who doesn't love Supernatural?"

Trinity's eyes widened. "Right? Wow, I didn't think you would like Supernatural. You kind of give off that 'too cool for dorky tv shows' vibe."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't judge Trinity. But before we get too off track, lets study, yeah? We shouldn't have a repeat of yesterday afternoon. We didn't really get anything done."

She giggled, "Alright, lets get this done."

They studied for around an hour and a half, taking a minute or two ever so often to comment over the song that was playing. By the time it got to the point where they should wrap up, both were in good moods and smiling playfully at each other. Julian offered her a ride to school, and she happily accepted.

On the way to the car, her phone started ringing. Glancing down and seeing that it was her home phone, she signaled for Julian to wait a second and answered.


"Trinity? Baby? Are you alright?" her mom questioned from the other line.

"Uhm, yeah, Mom, I'm great. Is there a reason you called?"

"Yeah, I saw your note, but I still wanted to know if you were okay."

"Mom, you don't have to check up on me. I'm perfectly okay."

Her mom sigh worriedly, "I know, its just that with everything that's been going on and you only having a few months-"

Trinity cut her mother off, glancing at Julian to make sure he hadn't heard that. "Hey Mom, I've got to go. I need to get going to school."

"Oh," he mom replied. "Okay, I'll see you when you get home. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom." Trinity hung up, and looked at Julian, who was staring at her with a question in his eyes. He didn't ask though, and she was happy for that. Instead, he just put his arm out, signaling that she go first.

They made it to school in no time, and were really early. Only a few people were parked in the lot, and most of them were teachers.

"Thanks for the ride Julian," Trinity said as she unbuckled herself. "And thanks for keeping me company this morning.

"Actually, I think I should be thanking you. Without your help, I'll probably fail this semester. So, yeah, thanks Trin."

Her stomach fluttered at the sound of her nickname coming from his mouth. "I'll see you later."

She smiled at him as she got out of his car. "Bye Trinity."


Trinity spent the whole day waiting for her tutoring session, until she got to lunch and saw that she had a message from Julian. He wasn't going to be able to come today.

She was disappointed, and texted him back to make sure he couldn't come. He was sure, and after apologizing for missing, he scheduled to meet up this weekend and study at the downtown library. Trinity was definitely okay with that. She told him the time she wanted to meet, and he texted her back saying he'd try to be on time, along with a playful smiley face.

Even though she was upset about the situation, Trinity could now look forward to basically spending the weekend with Julian. It wasn't meant to be anything more than studying, but she found him interesting and fun. She needed somebody like that in her life, especially now. She was going to enjoy their time together as much as she could before her time was up.


Songs I used were:

-Laughter Lines//Bastille

-Keep Your Head Up//Andy Grammar

-Carry On Wayward Son//Kansas


~Alyssa xx

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