Pilot: This is special agent KatyMcKellen

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A/N: Thanks a ton for selecting this book to read! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I liked writing it!!


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'Teedung Teedung tiding..'
*Add that background music in a James Bond movie and you'll get the feeling...*

"Agent 007, are you ready for this mission?" Said M to Bond.
"Yes Ma'am." He replied.

Okay. So you must be thinking whats going on and why is the first chapter of this book called 'This is specail agent Katy McKellen.'

Well you see, my name is Katy McKellen. Actually Katherine with a 'K'. Katherine...yuck! Which parent on earth would name their one and only daughter Katherine!!

Anyway currently I am watching this James Bond movie called Skyfall. I love James Bond! I am a big fan. I know this sounds weird when it comes out of a 19 year old...but heck with it!

Sometimes I wish what would it be like working undercover. I always wanted to be a secret agent but I am clueless as to how to get into that special agenting thingie... And now, as everyone around me says, the time has come when you gotta do something.

I am 19 and a five feet two inch blackhead with sparkly blue eyes which are covered under big rimmed cat eye specs. Honestly I never gave a damn about my height! Yeah my besties are like, four feet taller than me, which makes me look like a minion in front of them but it hardly matters. I have an extremely thin body! Seriously. It's not like I am bragging about it or anything but I guess it's genetic. My mom is just as thin as I am and so is my dad.

My bestie, Tessa Flitton, is always jealous of my body type, but whatever she has the 'height'! She's like five feet 6 inch with a curvy body.

Oh kay... I myself have no clue why I am describing the 'body types' of people around me.

So getting straight to the point. Surviving high school was a freaking nightmare! You know all those jocks teasing you 'cause of your height and me being me, always came up with a way to shut 'em up. I have always been sarcastic and I still am. Guess it's something you can't get over with that easily. Even Tess is tired of me snapchatting all the time. But afterall its me she has and only me.

So graduating high school wasn't a big deal. But now entering into a college is. I am not sure of what I wanna do. My mother wants me to be a doctor while my dad wants to see me as a business woman. And now I have only got these three months of freedom and after that all the examinations and college starts ..

Well what I wanna be is... kinda join the FBI or something...yeah I'm too much into those detective things...

"Katherine McKellen! You better come here at once!" Someone shouted very indignantly from the opposite room to that I was watching the movie in.

Uh oh! Looks like I am in trouble...big deep trouble...

"This is special agent Katy McKellen reporting. How may I help you Mrs. McKellen?" I voiced out in a very casual way, ignoring the circumstances. My mother, Frieda McKellen, was sitting on her bed, draped in a shower gown, her face covered with some sort of white facial cream and two slices of cucumber resting on her eyes and her brown - oh wait GREEN hair spread over her face! Damn!

"Katy you better have an explanation for this!" She grunted in a very angry voice which ran down like shivers through my spine.

"I found this green hair dye mixed with my shampoo and I know for sure its you who's done this! Come on Katy when are you gonna grow up?? Enough of your pranks and-"

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