Chapter one : Escape

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Minho's POV

"Damn shucks! " I half whispered, half groaned. I laid low on the sandy ground with Thomas, Newt, Teresa, Frypan, Winston, and some kid named Aris, avoiding the WCKD guards.

We just escaped the compound after Thomas had some freak out about how he and Aris discovered we were being used by WCKD like lab rats. We didn't get the full story because Thomas practically dragged us out of our dorm before the Rat Man came. After knocking down some doors and guards, kidnapping one of the nurses, picking up the damsel in distress named Teresa, and breaking a few windows, we finally made it out. Now here we are in some hot, sandy place the Rat Man called The Scorch.

"Come on! They're coming closer, I think I saw a building up somewhere. "Thomas said, dragging Teresa by the arm and me by the collar.

Once we all caught our balance on the sand, together we made a run for it towards the building. Once we started getting closer, I got this uneasy feeling of place but quickly shook it off and ran faster ahead of the group and into the building.

It was pretty dark; the only source of light came through the cracks of the wall and Windows from the moon. It was also deadly quiet, minus my own breathing and the others from behind me. But something was still a little off...

"Here." Newt said nudging and handing me a flashlight, which he found.

"Thanks, man." I said, then turning to face the other. "Let's split up and find supplies. Thomas let go of Teresa's hand before I chop it off and come help me find the switch to turn on the lights." At that we all parted ways.

After a while of picking through stuff and turning corners, Thomas and I ended up in a small room. I found a weird machine and started tinkering with it.

"Hey Minho....." Thomas said slowly.

"Don't you see I'm doing something? What do you want?" I said without looking up at him.

"Don't you ever get the feeling you're being watched?"

"Well shuckface if you haven't noticed by now, for the past few years of my life everything I've done has been recorded and documented in computers by some delusional people and mechanical bugs. I've come quite use to the feeling. Plus who wouldn't wanna watch me?" I replied, reading the label to a switch that said 'ON'.

"Yeah but this feels different.... Hey Minho don't touch anything."

As soon as he said that I flipped on the switch and stood up. The lights started coming on throughout the place. I turned to face Thomas about to brag about my accomplishments until I saw something I didn't know if I should be disgusted by or terrified of.

"Thomas get away from the fence!" I yelled at him.

His shuck-self turned around and almost had a heart attack.

"Whoa!" He yelled, running into me.

"What is that thing?"

Before Thomas could even come up with answer, we both turned around to a noise behind us. We flashed our lights at something equally disgusting as the first one. The jerky movements and the look of insanity on its face when it came towards us, told me it was here to talk.

I picked up the nearest object, a metal pipe, and swung it at the zombie-like creature. Then Thomas and I took off running towards a set of double doors and as soon as we ran through them, we heard more of them coming behind us. We tried stopping them from coming through the doors but they were stronger than we thought. I quickly went over to what looked like a filing cabinet and with all my strength I pushed it in front of the door, hoping Thomas caught the idea and moved out the way.

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