Chapter 1.2 (The new first-years)

Start from the beginning

"Gryffindor." Hermione said at once. "But I guess Ravenclaw is not so bad either. What about you?"

"I'm hoping Gryffindor but I'm pretty sure I'll be a Hufflepuff." Hannah said sadly. "What about you, Tori?"

"Well, my dad was a Hufflepuff so I won't mind to be sorted there. But he always said I'm more of a Gryffindor type. So we'll see."

"And your mother?"

"My dad's a Muggleborn and my mum is the Muggle he liked since kindergarten so she never got sorted." Victoria laughed.

"That's so romantic!" Hermione squealed.

"Well, my mother was a Gryffindor but she always said that I'm exactly like my dad and he was a Slytherin." Nova said. "My mum, however, is sure I'm not going to be Sorted into Ravenclaw-" Artemis rolled her eyes, trying to hold in a loud snort. "Probably because I'm not very studiousesish."

"That's not a word, Nova." Artemis rolled her eyes again. She exchanged a look with Hermione. "Anyway, my dad was a Gryffindor, my mum a Slytherin so I can go both ways I guess. My dad doesn't care where I get sorted although he thinks it's either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. My mum, as a member of the Noble House of Black..." Artemis snorted again at that, causing Hermione to look at her in curiousity. "She will never look at me again if I'm not sorted into Slytherin."

The lights above the luggage racks and in the hallway were on and outside only the shadows of trees could be seen.

Artemis had barely been able to look outside during their search for Trevor. The neat fields had gone. Now there were woods, twisting rivers and dark green hills. "Where do you suppose Hogwarts is located?" Hannah Abbott asked.

Victoria resumed the drawing she was making before Artemis stormed in. She had been drawing the landscapes outside and you could clearly see the changes. She was really talented. "An unknown area in Scotland." Hermione replied. "We should probably go and change in our school robes. I expect we'll be there soon."

"Okay, we'll see you at the Sorting." Hannah smiled.

"Bye." The girls waved. They left Neville and Giselle to go back to their own compartment with Neville's toad tightly held between both hands.

Artemis opened her trunk and pulled her uniform from the neatly folded pile of clothes. They walked over to the girls' lavatory and took two stalls next to each other.

Artemis buttoned a plain white shirt and tucked it into a grey, pleated skirt. Over the shirt she wore a grey knitted v-neck jumper with a black neckline and black tie. Next were the grey socks, plain black shoes and an open black buttoned robe. She folded her Muggle clothes in a neat pile before letting her hair hang loose. It fell down her back in long golden waves.

She stepped out of the stall and used her fingers to comb through her unusual hair. She had showered in the morning so her hair was still damp. It made her think of her mother. Every night, just before Artemis went to bed, her mother used to carefully brush her hair. She took her time for each strand until it shined like spun gold and then she would braid it and kiss her daughter on the forehead, tucking her in.

But she hadn't done that in a long time. She was too busy these days with her work and spending a lot of time over at the Malfoys'. Especially during the full moon when Artemis's father needed someone to hold him the next morning...

Hermione came out of her stall wearing the exact same, plain uniform as Artemis. A uniform without any house-colours because they didn't belong anywhere...yet. "I met Harry Potter by the way." She told her.

"Really? When?" Artemis asked eagerly.

"While we were looking for the toad."

"So....what does he look like?" She asked impatiently.

The girl with golden hair (Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now