:: Attempt 03 | Falling Sky ::

Começar do início

'Now, how awful are the faces of the demons contained within this classroom, indeed?'

x + x

< ? >

I watched the house - all I ever knew - burn down to ash, to nothing but dust.

"Ashes, ashes, we all fall down," so goes a line from a popular nursery rhyme. And though the cinders sting my bloodshot eyes, though I can't move my numbed limbs, I can't help but wonder.

Wonder why the skies still seem so bright, so beautiful, full of twinkling stars in the night when all I see before me is a maze of burnt husks. Shells of once-lively homes.

Wonder why they whisper of condolences, of stupid, stupidly ugly lies when I know - know - that they're lying. Lying to my face when I've already figured it all out.

Wonder why they pray to the unseen, murmur wishes to blocks of granite lined up in uniform rows just because they could.

Wonder why I'm still here when all I know has been erased - like the writings on a stupid blackboard after everything - and gone forever.

I can't take back what's lost. I can't say 'I forgive you,' when it's a flat-out lie.

I've lost it all. I can't figure what I should do, where I should go, what's happening because if I follow what they say then it's wrong wrong wrong--

They don't know what I'm supposed-- what I have to do. And if they don't know, how would I be able to?

x + x

< Third Person Point of View >

In the days before, there wasn't a thought in the minds of the students residing in the top of the proverbial food chain that there would one day come a personage of countless differences to their class.

They prefer to keep things the way they are; in subsequence, contentment had long since pervaded their senses.

A studious silence coats the atmosphere - an air of tension straining to break free from its icy bonds. All of them want to claim the top, to tower over everyone else their age.

'I will be the best.' Such thoughts enter and plague the minds of the students of Class 3-A.

Yet as of this moment... The studious air dissipates as tension grips each and everyone of the class's occupants. The beast has long been freed from its cage, so to speak; a viper slithers within their midst, ready to strike. But there isn't such an elusive thing like silence as a collective cacophony of hissed whispers, murmuring and the like pierces the air as one such personage enters the room; unruffled, so she appears.

"Who's she?" A voice asks as soon as the girl takes her place at the very front of the class, eyeing the collective number of students as she does so.

"Hey, do you think she's related to that delinquent in Class E?"

"Akabane, you mean? There's a slight chance she is, look at her hair.." Another whispers after an awkward pause from the first two who spoke. A wave of unease filters through the entire population of Class 3-A.

A boy from the back of the class suddenly whistles, a sly glint in his eye.

"Man, is she a foreigner? She's quite the beauty!"

The rest of his so-called 'friends' laugh at the remark, clapping his shoulder. One of them props up his glasses, taking a closer look at the quiet redhead who was still gazing at the class with a peculiarly calm aura.

Eyes of Azure | Assassination ClassroomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora