:: Attempt 03 | Falling Sky ::

Start from the beginning

With that done, I continue on my way, flipping through the pages with ease.

"Now it falls all around me,

Did I think I could run away?"

Yet there is no such thing as an infinite paradise. Everything came to an end, after all.

I abruptly slow down my footsteps as I narrow my eyes at the spectacle before me.

The devil himself is standing guard right outside the door.

Mildly irritated, I keep my gaze upon my book; RED's "Falling Sky" blaring from the headphones I wear. (Surely, gadgets are allowed on campus, right? Quite unlike that Catholic school in the Philippines I infiltrated years ago..)

I walk slowly, regardless of the stares I'm most likely getting from my fellow schoolmates - male and female alike. In all honestly, I prefer to be alone with my thoughts; as such, I'm usually thought of as 'emo', an apathetic fifteen-year-old incapable of showing interest in the activities which normal teenagers of my age often chose.

Not that I care. I withstood more than my share of scathing insults in this lifetime.

Dante has just rushed down the Mount of Joy, the Three Beasts close to his heels [1], when the demonic incarnation snatches the book out of my grasp.

Ire bubbling deep within, I look up from my empty hands; fingertips longing for a sharpened dagger or a Glock. Infuriatingly familiar purple eyes meet mine as I remove my headphones; all the while biting my tongue to rein in my growing frustration.

He just didn't know when to give up the ghost, did he?

"Watch where you're going, Aoi," Gakushu utters placidly, Dante Alighieri's "The Inferno" securely within his palm - and out of my reach.

Mentally, I throw barrage after barrage of foul curses - some which might earn me a tongue-lashing from either 'Seis' or 'Quattuor' - directed at this vile bastard. Physically, however, I cross my arms beneath my chest, regarding him with a blank stare.

"Do you expect me to have two pairs of eyes? I was reading, thank you very much, until you oh-so-rudely interrupted me. Would you mind returning my property?"

He simply looks at me in mild amusement, "You could have found time to read somewhere else, not while walking. It may have caused a disaster - I suppose you already know that, Aoi, don't you?"

I bristle at his implication. I'm no ignorant child, for pity's sake. "Perhaps you might've known that taking another's property may result in a 'disaster' as well, didn't you? Yet reflect upon your actions. You committed the opposite of what you are implying right now, Asano. Now tell me, why should I follow your example?"

A dry smile quirks his lips at my reply. "I didn't imply anything of the sort, Aoi. It may be just a result of your assumptions."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. "Oh, and you would be the master of such doings, wouldn't you, Shu? After all, you didn't know all of the facts, yet you based a conclusion off of your baseless deductions. How utterly smart of you, don't you think?"

And with that, I pluck the book out of his open palm, adding a flick on his forehead for good measure. (I might've dealt a more serious blow, yet the scandalized glares of the feminine student population at my back somewhat discouraged me to do so. It's far too early to blow my cover, after all.)

He remains silent, following me inside the classroom as I slide open the door. Here goes nothing, I suppose.

''"Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here." How perfectly fitting,' I muse.

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