"I don't know where the girl is and I have nothing to do with her" grandpa said firmly. "and careful with your words boy!"

"I know she will never move away from that house and it seemed she was not there for the past two years!"  I told him. "I am going to find her for sure, and when I do, if I feel that her missing has anything to do with you, I will come again to see you," I said deadly.

Grandpa didn't even move, he was just keeping on reading whatever is that was in front of him, it infuriated me.

"I no more care about this damned business of yours, just wait till I find her"

Grandpa pressed the alarm.

"Yea, punish me all you want, but I am not going to back down from this, you should have left her alone when I agreed to your condition-"

"I told you, I have nothing to do with her missing" grandpa said, then looked at the doorway.

"Philip," he said. "Rohan is not to be let out of the house for the next three days, isolate him"

"What? you are going to lock me up? No! just punish me the way you do usually"

"Keep your mouth shut, or I am going to make it a week" Grandpa growled.


I walked in slowly.

"Riya!" Annie exclaimed. "you are here" she turned around. "guys, look who is here" Annie shouted.

"Riya! we thought you will never come" Femi said.

"It's good to see you again" Jijo hugged me.

"I am sorry, because of me you guys got demoted" I looked at them. I know they all were fired because of me.

"Damn right you are, I finally had a chance to escape this hell and you screwed it up," Jansy said.

"I am sorry-"

"What the heck is wrong with you Jansy! you know what happened!" Annie shouted.

"It was not your fault," Femi said. "we all saw what happened, it was those rich kids"

"Good thing that guy appeared, or I would've done much worse to their goddamn party," Jijo said.

"She's bad luck, we always had some sort of crisis after you joined us" Jansy shook her head. "Boss is right about her," she said and went back inside.

I am glad my boss, Stephin is not here or she would have thrown me out of here.

"Don't mind her, she's just mad for not getting the money, she's struggling a bit" Jijo said.

I know I can't blame Jansy, she's having a hard time with her life, she's a single mother, so I can imagine what she will be going through, especially in our society!

"Are you okay though?" Annie looked at me.

"Are you guys really not mad at me?" I looked up at them.

They laughed. "We came back to where we started, and you were the one who worked hard to get that opportunity for us, it will come again," Jijo said.

I smiled and everyone cheered.

"But Riya" Femi started. "I never knew you would know Nivin Rosh Aldrick! he seemed pretty close to you?"
Femi probed and Annie gave her a warning look.

"Um...we kind of know each other," I said.

"It was more than knowing each other, so cool and cliché just like in movies," Femi said. "She said it was a mistake!" she imitated Nivin's voice and I laughed.

Betrayed And Broken✔ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now