Chapter 45- Danny's First Baptism Sunday, March 29, 2015

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"Very well. I would be glad to introduce this child to God. But you two need to do something to get your souls back on track to the stairways of Heaven." He said.

"Thank you. That's all I ask for." Melly said, smirking as she bounced the baby on her knee.

I looked at my soon-to-be wife in amazement at how she shut the right-wing Christian man up. Anything for Danny, I guess. Anything for Danny.

*End of flashback*

That's probably how we ended up with Father Brian in a private ceremony, blessing our son right after mass ended. He probably had the question, "why am I wasting my time with the children of Satan?," running around his head a million of times while he was talking, but he surely didn't say anything in fear of Melly's speech again.

We turned to our guests just as Amy snatch Danny out of his mother's arm. I quickly grabbed her hand as Melly tried to reach out for our son again. I looked at her as I raised her knuckles to my lips, not caring who sees my act of affection for her. I lowered her hand and rubbed the back of her hand, before giving my focus back to my friend.

"So, I'm officially his Godmother now. It's kind of weird to be called that when you're an Atheist." Amy said as she lightly bounced Danny in her arms, making funny faces at baby, making him giggle.

"Well, you did ask us if you wanted to be godmother a long time ago with Mike. Get used to it, because you will be his godparent until the day one of you dies." Melly said, squeezing my hand as she watched our son giggling at our band's pianist.

"True, true. Not complaining, I'm just saying it feels weird." Amy said.

Mike and Jack came up making funny faces was they noticed that the baby's gaze is on them. He giggled again, before turning around to reach for his mother again. Melly gladly picked him, letting him settle in her arm again as he felt the texture of her dress. Silly kid.

My mom came by announcing that she was going home with her husband and his child. Melly and I waved them off, leaving us alone with our friends and our kid.

"So what now?" Mike asked. He looked like was extremely bored from the ceremony. I catched him sleeping almost twice now. I don't blame as I was tempted to take a nap as well, if it weren't for Melly squeezing my hand hard each time I do.

"Now, I guess we can home and party." I said, smiling at them.


The gang and I were hanging out in my backyard, doing anything bored teenagers can to pass their time during a sunny, Sunday afternoon. After all, we all use Sunday as a way to stall the dreadful Monday. At least school is peaceful without the king and queen of the popular crew to tyrant the place.

Ever since I gave Blake the last piece of my mind, it seemed as if he and Brittany are trying to find their own way without each other. Brittany is hanging out with her friend, Blake is hanging out with his. Both of them are too busy to care about the world outside of them or each other. At least the blonde girl looked so much healthier and happier than before. She even waves at me and sometimes Melly in a friendly manner whenever she wants to. Blake just acts indifferent towards us. As if he doesn't even know us, which is better than the treatment he used to give us I guess. But that is a story for another time.

I played with Danny's attention back as I flickered a piece of white bow in his face, giving the boy something to be entertained with during the little outdoor party. He's so simple, I swear.

Melly leaned her head against my shoulder, kissing my cheek as lazily popped a piece of vanilla cake in her mouth.

"Mmmm." She moaned in pleasure.

I looked at her, silently wishing that was me during sex that she was responding to and not to a piece of dessert. I looked away for a second, questioning, how the hell does one get jealous over a piece of cake? I shook my head and looked back at her.

"Mel, can I asked you something?" I asked, still playing with our son.

"Shoot." She responded.

"Did you seriously want Danny before you got your answer on the test?" I asked again.

That line has been on my mind ever since the day Melly argued her way to getting our son baptized to the priest. I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of her wanting to be pregnant, before she even knew what was going to happen.

"Well, I definitely didn't want to think that I might be sick with cancer, that's for sure." She laughed as she popped another piece of the frosty dessert in her mouth. "So yeah, I did wanted him."

I grew in silent as I let her words play in my head. I guess she had the right idea at the time. I know I am dealing fatherhood better than I would be if she were in the hospital, sick in her bed.

"Did you?" She asked.

"What?" I asked, snapping out of my thought.

"Did you wanted Danny before I told you? I mean you had your suspicions, right?" She said.

I looked at the baby and smiled. I didn't know what to think at the time that's for sure. I was too busy debating myself hoping that my thoughts weren't true. But I guess those thoughts led to the best and worse to ever happen to my life, because even though I'm too young and it is a bit of weight to deal with him sometimes, I know very well that Danny is becoming my best friend.

"Let's say, I grew to want him, okay?" I said, earning a giggle from Melly.

"Well, I'm glad you did." She said, leaning into me to kiss me.

Just as I did, Danny cooed loudly causing us to stop. This little boy. Melly and I exchanged looks, before leaning in and kissing Danny on each cheek, smooshing his face with love.

"Awww, that's cute. Family picture." One of friends said.

We looked up to see Amy raising up her phone to capture this picture of a lifetime.

Two chapters in one day! Whew. That's something, I tell you. Short chapter, but I hope you like it. I hope I didn't offend any Christian here as I am one myself, but we know how a few of them can be. Not trying to say they're all the same, I'm just using one of the few that can cause a bit of a hassle with the Parker-Martinez family. 1 chapter down, 13 more to go, but I may add one more. I'm not sure. Until then, have a nice day.


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