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"Sorry. Sorry.", said the soft, sweet voice. I slowly opened my eyes and saw hundred, no, a thousand stars dancing until the face slowly became clearer with each passing second. "Oh my! Are you okay?", she asked. "Yes, as long as you get off of me.", I smiled.

(I've never been this close to a girl before)

"Oh...", for a second I think I saw her blush. I helped myself up and began to straighten my uniform. "I've got to wear this tomorrow.", I remembered saying. She suddenly helped brush off the mud stains. I would give her an A for effort but an F for actually cleaning it. "It's alright. It's alright.", I told her. Then I continued "cleaning" my uniform for a few seconds then picked up my cracked glasses and I slowly lifted up my head to see her still looking at me.

I could swear that she was the cutest girl I've ever seen. Wearing a dark blue jacket over her white school uniform, drying her long black hair, she just looked so refined, so elegant. The way she was looking at me, she looked so innocent. "I'm sorry ... your ... glasses." I waved slightly then gestured towards the bench so that we can finally sit. For a full five minutes we just sat their without saying a word.

Then I asked her, "So... what are you doing here at this time?".

Still wet and drying herself, she answered, "Perhaps the same as what you are doing here. What do you think?".

(Think? This girl is crazy asking me what I think? How can she sound so calm despite being drenched in rain at this time with a stranger? Aside from that she is totally... weird in a pretty way. Maybe she does not want to strike a conversation after all.)

"Two minutes.", she said smiling, looking at me.


"You were silent for a full two minutes."

(So now she's counting the time. I've got a funny feeling about this. Something... weird or creepy. I was already imagining things with eyes closed. Maybe she might turn into a monster or she might just vanish right in front of me.)

I tried to open one eye, but there she was, sitting, looking at the ground, holding her handkerchief in one hand and opening her shoulder bag with the other.

(She looks normal)

"Aren't you gonna say something?", she asked. 

(Uh, No. I'm frankly creeped out by you.)

"So okay... uh.. miss..."


"Miss Irish."

"Don't miss me."



"Ok Irish. I kinda missed my bus because we are reviewing for the college entrance examinations. I was late. I'm a senior... I mean, graduating."

"You think I don't know what senior means?"

"No, not that."

(Gosh. Such a weirdo.)

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just checking if you are "real". You know what I mean, with stories about supernatural stuff around these parts. What's your name?"

(I thought you were creepy.)

"I'm Jin. Nice to meet you", I said while extending my hand. She immediately shook my hand. "I'm Irish. I already told you a while ago. It's a pleasure to meet you Jin."


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