Surprise, Surprise.

Start from the beginning

I hurried through the glass doors of Pro Clarke, frowning as I noticed how crowded the place already was. Taking out my phone I noted I was a good fifteen minutes late.

I almost ran through the sea of people, towards the elevators. I could hear phones ringing, people shouting over the noise of the crowd, while others brushed past me with their noses buried in their files.

It had always been like this at Pro Clarke, the atmosphere of tension severe and pervasive, but I had come to like that. It was a distraction, and my days had flown by working here. I slipped through the closing doors of the elevator just in time, earning a few grunts from the people around me.

The small elevator was overcrowded, and it was extremely hot. Sweat was trickling down everyone's face. A disgusting odor hung in the air. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for the tenth floor.

Finally reaching my floor, I burst out of the lift and literally ran to my cubicle. Throwing my bag under the table, I began peeling off my coat. I paused midway when Helen, the floor supervisor, walked up to me, her eyes narrowed.

"You're late" She pointed out, folding her hands to her chest.

"I know- I mean I'm sorry" I quickly muttered, switching on my computer. I felt extremely nervous under her brooding gaze, praying silently she would let it go for today.

"Mr. Clarke wants you in his office, now" She smirked, and I knew I was in trouble from the way her eyes lit up. She lived for these moments. I'd worked here long enough to know she secretly enjoyed getting people into trouble, and if she could help it, fired.

The thought of being fired had my heart thumping wildly against my chest. I couldn't afford to get fired. Not with rent due next week.

"Y-You don't think he's going to fire me, do you?" I voiced my concern, pulling my coat back on.

"I hope so. I'm tired of putting up with your late ass" She spat back, before walking away with her heels noisily clicking on the floor. I took one deep breath to control my emotions, before walking back to the elevator.

"He's expecting you" Sophie, Mr. Clarke's PA, said cheerfully as I walked past her desk.

I nodded at her in response, unsure of my voice. I felt like a panicked mess, the anxiety of not knowing why I was called in taking over me. I had been late quite a few times, especially this month.

I took in another long, calming breath, before knocking on the door.

"Come in" I heard a raspy voice from the office.

"Aah, Ms. Hale! It has been long since I last saw you, considering you work for me" Mr. Clarke said, getting up from his chair. A small smile was playing on his wrinkled face, and it somewhat eased my anxiety. He didn't seem to mind I was late.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked, a tight smile forming on my lips. Mr. Clarke had always been a sweet old man, but that didn't mean he couldn't fire people. I felt ready to go down on my knees and beg to keep my job, if that's what it came to. I was that desperate.

"Yes, Ms. Hale. Rhys tells me you've been doing very well recently." He voiced, looking pleased.

The smile immediately stretched across my face. A warm, cheerful vibe runs through me, and I feel happier than I've felt in a long, long time. I nod my head up and down like an eager child, waiting for him to go on. He grins at my reaction, but before he could speak, someone cleared their throat.

In my flustered state, I'd missed the man sitting across Mr. Clarke. Everything came to a halt inside me when my eyes locked with the grey orbs that had haunted me every single day.

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