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"Your eyes are smoky..." I whisper to him in a daze, "Grey and full of heat." 

"Hate to break it to you Shakespeare, but smoke isn't full of heat, it's an effect of heat." His tone was mocking, like always. 

He had this need- to be smarter, to have an upper hand, to be in control. Even in an intimate situation like this. 

I was sure he believed himself to be better than everyone else. He had this arrogant way about him- the way in which he conducted himself- that made one immediately self-conscious. Or in my case- anxious.

Yet, in this moment, it was hard for me to take his sarcasm at heart- especially after what we had just done.

His lips captured mine again, not innocently or lovingly, but hot and fiery, passionate and demanding. I wanted to pull away before I lost myself again but I couldn't seem to. Enveloped in his arms, my senses had been seduced and I could no longer think straight.

"Alena" He huskily said against my lips, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I smiled, my heart fluttering at the way his voice sounded intoxicated. Never before had my name ever felt so sexy.

"I have fallen in love with you, Oliver" I whispered against his lips, my eyes shut. Even though I knew I shouldn't have said it out loud like this, I had no control over myself anymore. All my emotions were on my lips without thought or care.

"Marry me" He whispered back, his voice coarse.

I immediately froze and my eyes shot open at what he had suddenly said. 


"I know, I know. I know it's too soon and that came out of nowhere, but I've never felt this way before... You are the one. I just know it. YES, I admit it goes against my reputation. But Ali! You- you make me feel things I didn't even know people could feel. Like when you laugh, or touch me, I can't explain it- but it's a feeling I'd rather die than let go of. Please, Marry me." His voice was strained, like it was difficult for him to say each word.

I felt his pain, deep in my heart. I had observed that it was hard for him to talk about his feelings. He'd only momentarily showed me his vulnerable side, but somehow, I knew. Or at least I felt it, like an instinct, within me. 

It was hard to explain, even to myself, but somehow I trusted that he was being honest. Even though I'd only known him a very short time and any sane person would've said the best course of action was to take things slow... even then, the only thing that ran through every cell of my being was-

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! A million times over! I could never say no to that question." I replied as I continued to kiss him on his lips.

Maybe I was seduced and my brain was incapable of thinking straight, maybe I was being silly and thought this to be some random conversation that would be long forgotten by tomorrow.

Whatever it was, I knew that despite all odds, I never stood a chance against this God of a man that seemed to know my body better than I did. I wanted to be his, his forever- as ridiculous as that may have sounded to me just three weeks ago.

And so I held on to him as he pressed my body against the wall even tighter. His lips traced kisses down my jaw all the way to my neck.

I'd never felt this way before. I'd never felt my skin catch fire under someone's light touch. His lips were soft, barely there. Then they were suddenly pressed firmly at the nape of my neck. His teeth nibbled my sensitive skin as an airy gasp escaped my lips.

"It's settled then. You're mine." He said, his hot breath fanning my burning skin.

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